12 months in English with pronunciation and months in other languages, updated 2024

12 months in English with pronunciation and months in other languages, updated 2024

12 months in English with pronunciation and translation12 months in English with pronunciation and months in other languages, updated 2024

When writing 12-month dates, they are very important. Whether in daily life that we can recognize different moments for work where we need to use dates as a reference or for use at work, the NotebookSPEC team would like to recommend writing the 12 months in English with pronunciation, translation and abbreviations. Including other languages ​​and there is also a little date writing technique to share with you.

12 months in English with pronunciation and translation

Each month in English is mostly derived from the names of Greek and Roman gods or goddesses, including:

  • January comes from Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings. Which has two sides to look at the past and the future
  • February or February is said to come from an ancient Roman festival called Februa (Feast of Purification), a festival celebrating purity, health and abundance. Or some say it comes from Februs, the god of death and purity.
  • The month of March comes from Mars, the Roman god of war. (Originally the Roman calendar started with March. Before January and February were added)
  • The month April comes from the Latin word aperire which means to bloom, like flowers that bloom in spring. The Romans called the month April.
  • The month of May comes from the Greek goddess Maia, the goddess of growth and fertility.
  • The month of June is named after the Roman goddess Juno, the goddess of marriage and childbirth.
  • The month July or July comes from Julius Caesar of the Roman Empire.
  • The month of August is named after Augustus Caesar, the first Roman Emperor.
  • September or September comes from the Latin word Septem, meaning seven.
  • The month October or October comes from the Latin word octo, which means eight.
  • The month of November comes from the Latin word november which means nine.
  • The month of December comes from the Latin word Decem, which means ten.

The reason the last 4 months come from the numbers 7, 8, 9, 10 is that the walking calendar system starts from the month of March. About 2,700 years ago, the Romans created a lunar calendar so that there were only 10 months in one year, or approximately 304 days. , starting from March to December and later, January and February were added, postponing the last 4 months to become 9, 10, 11, 12 months as they are today.

English month Thai month pronunciation abbreviation The number of days
January January jan – you – ry January 31
February February FAB – RO – ER – RE February 28/29
He walks He walks He walks March 31
April April A – April April 30
maybe maybe I maybe 31
June June Tune June 30
July July Jo-ly July 31
August August Oh – Gus August 31
September September September – temperature – number September 30
October October From – to – number October 31
November November No – wim – number November 30
December December D – cm – number December 31

Months in Chinese

Name of the month Pinyin pronunciation pronunciation translation
一月 Ye yue Yes January
today Yes Er ye February
三月 San Yu Sunny He walks
四月 Yes Yes Nay yi April
五月 w yue Wu Yi maybe
new Liu Yu Liu Yi June
七月 Chi Yu Chi yi July
new Ba yo Bye August
九月 Ji Yue Jiu Yi September
Yes Shi yo Shi yi October
What is the meaning of the word? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Shi yi yi November
What is the meaning of the word? What's wrong with you? Su Er Yi December

The most popular in Japanese

Name of the month pronunciation pronunciation translation
一月 Ichigatsu Ichigatsu January
today Nigatsu Nikkatsu February
三月 Sangatsu Sangatsu He walks
四月 Shigatsu Shigatsu April
五月 Ichigatsu Jujutsu maybe
new Rokugatsu Rokugatsu June
七月 Shichigatsu Shichigatsu July
new Hachigatsu Hachigatsu August
九月 Kugatsu Kugatsu September
Yes Jugatsu Jujutsu October
What is the meaning of the word? Goichigatsu Goichi Gatsu November
what is the meaning? Junigatsu Junigatsu December

The most popular in Korean

Name of the month pronunciation translation
일월 L-Wall January
이월 E – The wall February
삼월 Sam-wall He walks
Welcome SA-WALL April
오월 Oh – the wall maybe
유월 Sh – the wall June
칠월 Chi-Raul July
팔월 Pa-raul August
this Co-Wall September
Thanks Chi-Wall October
it's time to go. Chi-Bill-Wall November
it's time to go. Chi – bee – wall December

The most famous in Italian

Name of the month pronunciation translation
Jinayu Jinayu January
February February February
Marzo Marzo He walks
April This is a mess. April
Maggio Margo maybe
Jionyu Juno June
Loglio Loyo July
Agosto Acousto August
September Setembra September
Ottobury October October
November November November
December Decempera December

Most famous in French

Name of the month pronunciation translation
Janvier Jean Vieu January
Fevrier In Waki ​​you February
Mars Mksh He walks
Avril Oh, how much? April
water I maybe
June Joe ang June
Juliet Choi Yi July
Out Oh! August
September Save Tong Bik. September
October Good for baking. October
November No Woong Baek A November
December Dae Sung Baek A December

Months in Spanish

Name of the month pronunciation translation
Enero Irino January
Febrero Febrero February
Marzo Marzo He walks
April April April
mayonnaise Come on yo maybe
Junyo Junyo June
Julio Julio July
Agosto Aguto August
September September September
October October October
November nobimber November
December De semper December


And all these are 12 months in English complete with pronunciation, translations and months in other languages ​​as well. Nowadays studying foreign languages ​​has become very necessary. Especially the English language this is very important and it is also an international language used all over the world. Knowing the English months helps us read, write or communicate dates more clearly and correctly. Especially people who have to do paperwork. Student This requires writing the date in English.

Frequently Asked Questions / Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it better to write the entire English month or a short one?

In fact, we can write both short and full forms. It depends on the context and needs. Full writing is suitable for formal writing such as letters, government documents, news, etc., and short writing is suitable for general writing such as personal journals, emails, social media, etc., or writing that has limited writing space.

2. What are the techniques for memorizing the months in English?

Memorizing the months in English can be divided into three main groups:

  • Groups whose words end in -ary include January and February.
  • Those ending in -ember include September, October, November, and December.
  • Groups that do not have common suffixes include March, April, May, July, and August.

Dividing similar into different groups helps us remember the months more easily.

3. What is the serial number of days in English?

To sequence numbers in reading English days. It will be used as a number with the following numbers:

Numerical sequence abbreviation
Firstly the first
second the second
third the third
the fourth the fourth
Fifth Fifth
Seventh Seventh
eight VIII
ninth Ninth
The tenth The tenth
eleventh eleventh
twelveth twelveth
Thirteenth Thirteenth
fourteenth fourteenth
Fifteenth 15
sixteen sixteen
seventeenth seventeenth
eighteen eighteen
nineteenth nineteenth
The twentieth Twenty
21st 21st
Twenty seconds twenty tow
Twenty-three twenty third
twenty fourth twenty fourth
twenty five 25th
twenty-sixth twenty-sixth
27th 27th
Twenty-eight Twenty-eighth
thirty Thirty
thirty one Thirty-first

4. How do you write day, month and year in English?

In Thai language, we can find out the date by sorting it by day, month or year. But in English, there are tricks to arranging dates. It has different uses and is also divided into the British style and the American style. Which can be roughly divided as follows:

The most popular in British English Most popular in American English
Day month year
For example: February 16, 2024
Month day year
For example: February 16, 2024
Friday, February 16, 2024 Friday, February 16, 2024
02/16/24 02/16/24

5. Day, month, year, what time words are used in English?

Day, month, year in English. Prepositions can be used to tell time as follows:

  • in It is used to tell time according to the clock, like today, we have a meeting at 11:00 AM.
  • in Used to know the time of day, know the season, know the month, year, for example: My birthday is in June.
  • on Used to find out the day of the week, giving the date, for example:
    • Friday
    • On February 16, 2024.
  • If there are words next, last, that, and this in the sentence, do not include the preposition such as next Friday, this month, etc.

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