3 adults 3 inches

The emergence of a new group of insurance agents which is replacing the Progressive Party is therefore a phenomenon to watch.

It is important to note the party's change of direction. And the three-finger group move down from the keyboard to get a clear look at your face.

I hope the Progressive Party has a lot of people. Thanks again to the Constitutional Court. Let the party move forward with a decision as a note to open up the political future of the party

No more problems, Section 112, opportunities to join Govt are wide open!

Indeed, the progressive party should not back down on ideology only because of the “Dhawan-Frank” Constitutional Court decision.

Because the bail application for the accused, Section 112 or Section 116, in the view of the Progressive Party, is it not a matter of another time?

Hence, the party's regression is far from over. It is for their own political gain.

Come to Mr. Insurance Generation 2 and stop by undercover on social media. Be Central issued a statement asking the court to release “Dhawan-Frank”.

3 adults, 3 inches

Senior Rack S. Sivarak

“…I am an English barrister. From the Middle Temple school, principles of legal philosophy believed in equal treatment of all. And every person should have equal rights, freedom and equality

And lawful detention should be conducted only to prevent or avoid danger. Individual freedom must be guaranteed. And law cannot primarily limit rights and freedoms.

My opinion is that both have accused and the prosecution has not yet filed a case against the accused in the court. And the fight between these two young men was an instance of a war of ideas.

Detaining children at the request of the state without reason is humane and legal.

Ask the court to release these children. As per the jurisdiction of the court he has the right to fight his thoughts. And has the right to fight the case fully and punishable if wrong. If correct the case will be dismissed. Let go of the child at once…”

The second senior is “Sunwit Kasetsiri”.

“… There have been changes in the government over many periods. I saw the brutality that suppressed people in the massacre at Thammasat University. It was a result of people expressing their beliefs that motivated them to harass the youth of Thammasat University. It was built with the intention that laws should be the main principle of the country. People should be equal before the law. This is ours. The idea of ​​the patriot and politician Mr. Bridi Panomyong is to rule the country without any bias and only rule the legal system when these two children are still accused.

Therefore, the principle of presumption of innocence should be applied. All principles of legal justice should be applied at hand. To maintain principles and protect a peaceful country.

Therefore, instead of accepting the detention of the two youths as requested by the police, we would like to consider temporarily releasing them pending the final verdict…'' he said.

The third elder is “Suchard Savatshree”.

“…I am an alumni of Thammasat University. Thanom-Prabhas Having grown up during a dictatorship all my life, I know very well what it is like for people to live under a dictator.

Get a taste of the situation where the Judiciary is under the control of a dictator. Know the taste of being stripped of the title of National Artist for dissenting opinions from the government.

In this case it is believed that there are two children You should not get what you know before. He does not deserve to enjoy the taste of being removed from the status of National Artist. It is known that he was not given an opportunity to argue the literary arts branch in any way. Over time, he grew up and had more ideas. I want children to have that opportunity and the opportunity to be considered innocent. It is believed to be a legal doctrine.

I would like to inform the Hon'ble Court. Even the flavor of the situation where the judicial power comes under the command of a dictator can be seen but I believe that is not the case with the judiciary in modern times. Believe that the Judiciary can be independent Finally, believe that children will not be detained and temporarily released to their parents. This will by no means lead to the downfall of Thailand in 2024.

Therefore, I request you not to grant further custody to these two accused persons. I also asked the judge to consider the provisional release of these two suspects if they are detained and jailed. Free the two youths temporarily and ensure justice for all innocent people…”

I want to ask three adults a quick question.

If you are a judge then you have to issue orders against criminals who repeatedly violate bail conditions. How do you order?

Grant bail to repeat the same offence.

or does not give bail to be within the norms to be

He will graduate from Middle Temple School.

Once the president of the university

Once a National Artist

Dhanom will always fight with Prabhas

There is no end to bail for criminals who repeatedly violate bail conditions.

The root cause should be seen.

What did “Suchard Savatshree” say? “I don't think he knows what's going on in front of him. Or there's a royal procession. Usually what we're told is that the police officers are having trouble blocking the road with their cars. I'm sure he doesn't know what happened.


The kid recorded the clip himself and admitted it himself. I knew it was a royal procession. So what's the point of twisting the issue?

Yes…I saw the attempt to spread the word about his condition. From time to time “Dhawan-Frank” wants to know what is the real purpose of the hunger strike.

I don't know if I will fast for justice

Or starve and bargain your way out of jail.

Because if you're fasting for a strong reason you should continue fasting until you get bail, right?

So let it go. “Dhawan-Frank” demands death by removing symptoms Come to negotiations with the court.


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