3 options for “marijuana and hemp” on a day when “government policy is unstable” and PM's words are “confusing”

Creating “Marijuana Status Ambiguity” as a way to continue the Prime Minister's recent “cannabis” policy can be summed up with 3 options for various parties' proposals.

  • principle”Marijuana“Still confused. Lately there has been no clarification from the government or the Prime Minister where “Marijuana” is a drug or not “Regulate Marijuana.”
  • Each page drives the storyMarijuana Often under the current “ambiguity of the marijuana situation”, “interpreting” the Prime Minister's message in a biased way, it is enough to summarize the proposals from different sides, there are 3 options.
  • Important Content (Draft)Cannabis and Hemp Act Two of the four versions that have already been drafted are the Bhumjaithai Party version (Bhumjaitai Party) and the Ministry of Public Health (Ministry of Public Health) version.

create confusion, vague and vague”Marijuana“More recently, on July 23, 2024, it was revealed that “the Prime Minister has ordered the use of this law to control cannabis,” but did not mention the use of this law to control it.

Where is “marijuana” a drug or non-drug? In early May 2024, the Prime Minister had a policy to “return marijuana as a medicine” after nearly 2 years of delisting marijuana from being a class 5 drug.

This time, each side has invoked the marijuana issue, causing them to “interpret” the Prime Minister's latest message, often favoring their own side.Marijuana status“Suffice it to summarize the current proposal, there are 3 options to pursue the issue of marijuana.

Declares Marijuana a narcotic drug

Option 1 the nightMarijuana is a drug The Narcotics Prevention and Suppression Board (NACC Board) headed by Energy Minister Praban Saliratavipak, Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Anudhin Charnvirakul and Public Health Minister Somchak Din are also members of the panel. Consider and approve the draft notification of the Ministry of Public Health regarding the designation of names of Category 5 drugs and send it back to the Minister of Public Health for signing the BE… notification.

3 Options “Cannabis, Hemp” Date\"Lazy Government Policy" Prime Minister's Words"confusing\"

Flower buds are producedHemp is cannabisAnd extracts with more than 0.2% THC are controlled drugs by the Narcotic Drugs Act 2021, but other parts, roots, stems, branches, stems, leaves and seeds are not drugs. From January 1, 2025 as mentioned in the notification.

Public Health Minister Somchak Thepsudin said it is true that he and the Ministry of Public Health have gone ahead and declared it a Category 5 drug, but when will the NACC board's review take place. Or do you have any feedback? If the NACC board does not pass it, if it does not accept it, it cannot issue a notification anyway. But if it can't be neutral like this, it won't stop anything, whether it's legal or not.

Release of Cannabis and Hemp Act but it is not medicine.

Option 2 let goCannabis and Hemp ActLet's control the current situation of opened marijuana from drugs. This approach comes from interpretation. “The prime minister's latest message” from the side that does not want marijuana to be considered a drug: “Cannabis does not become a drug. Therefore, a law should be enacted to control this,” he said.

Considering the existing 4 (drafts): 2 versions of the Bhumjaitai Party (Bhumjaitai Party), 2 versions with more than 10,000 signatures 3 versions have already been submitted to the House. and the Ministry of Public Health version developed by the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine. Since Kalanidhi Sonnan's time it has been sent to await the Cabinet's consideration. Shrikev Public Health Minister.

However, all four (draft) cannabis laws are considered financial drafts. To be brought to the House of Representatives for consideration, it must first be approved by the Cabinet. If you choose this approach, therefore, all 4 versions must be brought up for consideration by the Cabinet and forwarded to the House for consideration. But uncertainty remains as to whether or not the House of Representatives will ultimately pass any version of the cannabis legislation. There may be further delays in having specific laws to control marijuana use.

“From looking at all four drafts of the Marijuana Act, we are of the view that each draft is the same. There were some differences in details but the draft of the PHA was already discussed in the previous parliamentary session. Half way through 2nd term if RTA brings that body to PM this round. This could speed up consideration of draft marijuana legislation. Because the bodies of the public sector have similar content,” said Panthep Puapongphan Rangsit University, Dean of the College of Oriental Medicine.

Drug addiction and control laws were enacted.

Option 3 Declare marijuana as a drug and issue a notice and then take it back.Cannabis and Hemp ActIt is a proposal from the Network of Physicians, Educators and the Public Sector Against Drug Threats to curb use. Referred to as the middle path, “Start legalizing marijuana immediately. After reintroducing marijuana as a drug.”

Because they see it as a quick way to get marijuana under control. Because the (Draft) Notification Ministry of Public Health has recognized Cannabis as a medicinal product is awaiting consideration by the Ministry of Public Health.National Anti Corruption Commission BoardOnce already passed, it will come into effect from January 1, 2025.

Then a new Cannabis and Hemp Act was raised (Draft). Marijuana use should be regulated because (the body) is currently there,” says Dr. Smith Srison, associate professor at the Medical Network. The four (draft) laws regulating marijuana are less restrictive than countries that allow recreational use of marijuana.

Associate Professor Dr Smith added (Draft)Cannabis and Hemp ActNew version: If the use of marijuana is limited to research, economics, and disease treatment, it must specify the group of people who can use it. Or if you want to plant for self-preservation, you must reduce the amount of planting to a minimum and do not resell. It is also used in case of self-use abroad but you have to register how many plants you want to use yourself. How to plant?

3 Options “Cannabis, Hemp” Date\"Lazy Government Policy" Prime Minister's Words"confusing\"

It's been 2 years since marijuana was decriminalized, and it's not moving as economically as possible. And in protecting society, it is not entirely possible. The government cannot deny that the result is “policy ambiguity”.
And more importantly, government leaders should come out and take clear decisions in the midst of this “chaos”.

Key Points of Cannabis and Hemp Act (Draft).

Incidentally, the main points of the already drafted (Draft) Cannabis Act, 2 out of 4 versions:

(Draft) Cannabis and Hemp Act Poomjaitai Party Version

For example, those who want to grow marijuana or hemp or produce, import, export, or sell marijuana, hemp, or extracts for medical use. or for scientific, educational, analytical, research purposes or for commercial or industrial interest. Cultivation of marijuana or hemp for home use or use in medical facilities must be licensed or notified before proceeding.

  • specify the categories and qualifications of persons who may receive a license or notification receipt,
  • Areas for marijuana or hemp cultivation are defined as small areas not exceeding 5 rai, medium-sized areas exceeding 5 rai but not exceeding 20 rai, and large areas 20 rai or more.
  • Not advertise or conduct marketing communications about cannabis flowers or resins, hemp, extracts or cannabis-related tools and equipment. Advertisements unrelated to these matters should not use messages that are unfair to consumers or harmful to society as a whole.
  • Ban on selling marijuana Foods containing hemp, extracts or hemp, hemp or extracts ingredients or ingredients. Offered to women under 20 years of age, pregnant or lactating women.
  • Do not sell by method or by using a vending machine. , through electronic means, giving away, giving or exchanging with other products the sale of inflorescences or tires3 Options “Cannabis, Hemp” Date\"Lazy Government Policy" Prime Minister's Words"confusing\"
  • Do not sell in temples or places of religious ceremonies, educational institutions, hostels, parks, zoos, amusement parks or other places as notified by the Minister. ,Do not smoke in public places and places or areas. A temple or place of religious rites except in areas provided for the sick or private residences of state health facilities and old age homes. Dispensary, Government Office Private Residences, Educational Institutions except in areas specified for learning purposes. Fuel service stations or shops in teaching or research fuel service station area, public parks, zoos, amusement parks and restaurants or licensed premises and vehicles.
  • Driving under the influence of marijuana, hemp, extracts or foods containing marijuana, hemp or extracts as ingredients or ingredients is prohibited. Including allowing law enforcement officers to test motorists.

(Draft) Cannabis and Hemp Act, Ministry of Public Health Edition

  • Matters requiring permit for cultivation, manufacture, import, export and sale of marijuana, hemp or extracts.
  • What is forbidden? etc
    1. Sold to people under 20 years of age, pregnant women and lactating women. Any other person specified by the Minister.
    2. Sold for recreational purposes
    3. Sold using vending machines or electronically.
    4. Giving away, giving away, giving away, exchanging with other products, providing services or selling through other benefits.
    5. Sold at designated locations such as educational institutions, places of worship, hostels, parks, zoos and amusement parks.
    6.Recreationally consume marijuana, hemp or juices.
    7. Deliberately induce, incite, encourage, deceive, threaten, dominate unethically by use of power. or otherwise compel others to consume or use marijuana, hemp, or its extract.
    and 8. Driving while under the influence of marijuana, hemp, extracts, or food, ingredients or ingredients of marijuana, hemp, or extracts as prescribed by law.

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