Twitter reiterated that the court should begin the trial in September, according to a fast-track schedule.
Constanza Hevea H for The Wall Street Journal
Twitter a company
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The two responded to
Elon MuskThe proposal to oppose the company’s request to expedite the trial is over Intent to terminate His acquisition of $44 billion, saying it “failed on every level.”
The social media company said Monday in a legal filing in Delaware Chancery Court that the public dispute is hurting Twitter every day that Mr. Musk is violating the merger agreement.
Twitter reiterated that the court should begin the trial in September, according to a fast-track schedule.
A remote hearing is scheduled for Tuesday morning on Twitter’s proposal to speed up the case.
Twitter said in the filing that Mr Musk’s alleged underlying problem – an accurate tally of fake accounts and spam – was a “contractually irrelevant sideshow”.
last week Twitter sued Mr. Musk In Delaware Chancery Court, it seeks to compel Mr. Musk to honor the terms of the deal after he moves to abandon it. The company asked the court to speed up the proceedings, citing the risks posed by the recent economic downturn and the buyer being in trouble. She requested a trial by mid-September.
Mr. Musk said he wanted to walk out of the deal because Twitter had not provided him with the necessary data and information he needed to assess the reach of Fake or spam accounts on its platform. The company has long estimated that less than 5% of monetized daily active users fit that description while Mr Musk said it was likely closer to 20%.
on Friday, Mr Musk’s lawyers have submitted a request To oppose an urgent trial, arguing that the controversy over fake accounts and spam is “essential to the value of Twitter” and “a very, very expert, expert-intensive fact, it takes a significant amount of time to discover”. The lawyers asked for a trial date to be set on or after February 13 next year, adding that the debt financing is valid until April 25, 2023.
write to Sarah E. Needleman at [email protected] and Cara Lombardo at [email protected]
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It appeared in the July 19, 2022, print edition as “Twitter Calls Musk’s Action a ‘Sideshow'”.
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