Tehran: A 24-year-old Spaniard who was detained in Iran has been released


24-year-old Spaniard detained in Iran freed

Spain’s foreign minister announced on Sunday that Spanish national Ana B., who had been detained in Iran since late last year, was released on Saturday.


Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Alvarez.


held Iran Since the end of last year, Spaniard Ana B. “He was released yesterday, but we don’t want to announce it publicly before his plane leaves Iran,” Jose Manuel told reporters on Sunday. “I was able to talk to her (…) she is fine”, the Spanish diplomatic chief added, noting that the young woman would travel from Tehran to her native region of Galicia (northwest of Spain) via Dubai. Geneva

Spanish diplomatic sources announced the arrest of a Spanish national in November, but the NGO Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) confirmed the arrest was a 24-year-old woman. A few days ago”.

Resistance movement in Iran

The circumstances of his arrest have not been officially confirmed, but Iran has been rocked by a movement Competition Since the death of Mahza Amini on 16 September.

Another Spaniard, Santiago Esci, has been detained in Iran since October. A soccer fan, he set out to walk to Qatar to attend the World Cup and was arrested shortly after entering Iran.

“Today is a happy day, but the joy will be total when Santiago is also freed,” the Spanish foreign minister insisted. “I will not stop urging (Tehran) and taking action until Santiago is released. This is an arrest without any basis,” he added.

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