Smoke billows across the sky from a wildfire in Canada

Estelle Daven

PR journalist

Smoke from wildfires burning in Canada can be seen 7,000 kilometers away in the Valais sky. Description of the event with meteorologist Vincent Devante.

Smoke from wildfires burning in Canada can even be seen in the sky. The phenomenon was already visible from Tuesday evening with slightly hazy skies. Smoke concentrations will intensify between Thursday afternoon and Thursday evening under the influence of a jet stream high current.

No significant impact on air quality

However, particles are located at altitudes of 4,000 to 8,000 meters. Air quality will therefore not be significantly affected, says meteorologist Vincent Devante of Météonews. “The air quality is not good these days because of the lack of rainfall,” he explains. “However, an improvement is expected over the weekend due to rain and thundershowers, which will clear the atmosphere,” says the meteorologist.

7.7 million hectares have become a smoke zone

The cloud flying over Europe cannot be compared to the rate of particles measured in Montreal last weekend. On Sunday, it was considered the world’s most polluted city, ahead of Mexico City and New Delhi.

In Canada, wildfires have already consumed 7.7 million hectares across the country, unheard of in one summer.


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