A woman gets carried away on a journey, and claims to see something that isn’t actually there

Freakout in flight

A woman claims to see something…

It doesn’t actually exist

A woman begins channeling her “Final Destination” feelings during a wild crash – this is after crashing into a flight before it takes off… claiming to see something no one else can.

This happened Sunday on an American Airlines flight leaving Dallas-Fort Worth airport – it’s unclear where exactly it’s headed. Anyway, before the plane took off… some of the ladies seated towards the back made quite a scene in what can only be described as eccentric.

Watch… the woman makes her way down the aisle cursing a storm saying she’s getting off the plane for a reason – namely, there’s an imaginary man on the plane.

She points to the rear, apparently recognizing someone she thinks is there, insisting… that the invisible man isn’t real. Then comes a frightening statement – the woman says that the rest of the passengers can stay on the plane if they want, but she will not die with the rest.

Nobody escorts her out in this clip, and the word is…she ends up getting off the plane without any further incident, including an arrest or mental evaluation. Of course, everyone was a little confused as to what she was talking about… but it sure scared the booth.

reports Say the Organo Gold poster for this video – who apparently deleted their account – claimed that the flight was evacuated and that the flight was delayed for a whopping three hours during that. It seems the crew took her concerns seriously enough to know what was what.

But in the end, the plane seems to have taken off without any problems — which is a relief.

Of course, what many come to mind after seeing this is the OG horror movie – where the main character had a premonition of a plane exploding…which it manifests. Terrible… 💀

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