The sale of Kopi Joss coffee with hot coal has been banned in Malaysia.

“Kobe Juice” Or Kopi Juice, a coffee drink said to be Yogyakarta’s signature. A major tourist city on the Indonesian island of Java. Which the author intended to present several times already but there was no opportunity. Today, there’s big news happening with Kopi Coffee, so Gus would like to share it with you. I think it will be beneficial for every sector in the Thai coffee trade.

Last week there was an announcement from the Malaysian government that who are the entrepreneurs who sell coffee? “Gopi Goose” It is an offense under the Food Act 1985 and, if found guilty, could be punished with imprisonment and a fine. After a store in Malaysia served Kopi Jos coffee to customers, the coffee became widespread in the country of yellow tigers. This sparked controversy on social media “Is it safe to drink?”

Kobe Juice is known by many names on social media in our country, some as charcoal coffee, some as hot charcoal. Coffee with a little charcoal on the fire. There’s even charcoal coffee. With a title like: It’s a Drink. ‘Very strange’ From Indonesia Have you ever tried drinking it?

The reason for this is the coffee menu that the author would like to name “Coffee on hot coals.” It is a black coffee drink that is heated with charcoal until it glows red. Put it in a coffee cup. Just as the name indicates. The brewing formula is: Use ground roasted coffee to prepare black coffee and add 3-4 teaspoons of sugar to it, then comes the highlighter. Sticking the hot coals into the cup will require one or two pieces, depending on the size of the coal and the size of the cup. The drinking method is to wait for the charcoal to heat up first and then remove it with a fork. Ready to blow ash to minimum. Then he raised the coffee cup to his lips.

The sale of coffee has been banned

The face of Kobe Juice, the signature coffee drink of Yogyakarta on the island of Java (Photo:

Of course, the taste of the coffee will be unique and unlike any other cup of coffee in the world, and if it were a seller, they would say that it tastes good and unique or something like that, but the author has never drunk Kobe Juice before, so he can only go To find information to tell each other, it was said that it was a coffee drink that smelled like it. ‘caramel’ similarity “burnt sugar” They say it like this.

And perhaps some readers know well that charcoal-heated coffee is popular and sold in small kiosks in Yogyakarta. It is sold for 4,000 Indonesian rupiah, or about 10 baht per cup, and locals here love drinking it. Beverage reviewers often claim that black charcoal is beneficial. It helps the digestive and excretory system to be more efficient, and in addition, hot charcoal also helps absorb some of the caffeine.

Oh…almost forgot. The reason it is called Kobe Goose is because the goose comes from imitating the sound when a red hot lump of charcoal falls and hits the coffee water in the cup. Which is also strange. Because the author tried to listen. It’s more of a chi-chi tone.

When it is very popular among locals. Tourists also want to try drinking it. It even became a coffee that many foreign reviewers included as a menu item. “Do not miss it” Definitely when you get the chance to visit Yogyakarta on Java Island.

The sale of coffee has been banned

The Ministry of Public Health banned entrepreneurs from selling Kopi Juice coffee, which is a big news story all over the media (Photo:

Here some readers may wonder, is it really edible? Are there any health risks from charcoal and floating ash in coffee? ‘doubt’ This is a very serious question. It’s like every time I search on Google I find it.

I often get the answer from the owner of Kopi Jos and most of the reviewers charcoal or biochar is edible and harmless but actually beneficial. But some people believe that ash is carcinogenic and this is worrying. Meanwhile, Indonesian public health did not prevent this from happening at all. Because I saw it sold normally. How about coffee with hot coal in Yogyakarta? According to records, it first happened around the 1960s, or has been sold for over 60 years.

Suddenly, for some unknown reason, Kobe Juice or hot charcoal coffee became a trend ‘diffuse’ It happened in Malaysia in mid-November. There is a restaurant that makes coffee in this style and sells it. One customer then filmed a video of how it was made and posted it on social media. Which sparked great controversy in the comments under the clip: Can you really drink it? Is it safe?

It was even obtained by the official Malaysian news agency, Bernama. “Open the topic” By presenting this news and also seeking the help of two expert doctors to clarify matters clearly.

Bernama news agency reported that despite claims or claims that Kopi Juice coffee is well known in Indonesia. It has its own unique identity. It is said to be able to remove toxins from the body, but Malaysian health experts have raised concerns about this. Noting that drinking this type of coffee may cause ‘Health problems’ There are many symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, and appendicitis. Followed by the risk of cancer and intestinal obstruction. If consumed continuously for a long time

The sale of coffee has been banned

Infographic from Bernama News Agency showing the full schedule and Kopi Jos Coffee news details (Image:

Dr Ng Kim Fong, Consultant Cardiologist and Internal Medicine from Sultan Amina Hospital in Johor Bahru. He expressed his opinion via Bernama news agency that people should not get excited about trends or food and drink trends on social media without considering the health side effects. This does not mean that we have to try everything new, it is important that the food and drink be safe and free of germs.

Dr Noor Hashim Harun, a colorectal surgeon from KPL Tawakkal Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, said stores serving drinks should be more responsible for the health safety of consumers.

What the writer appreciates and would like to express his respect to Bernama News Agency is that this has been done. ‘infographic’ Explain in detail what health risks drinking coffee with hot coals may pose to your health. Made in local Malaysian and English. Easy to read and understand. It is really useful for consumers.

This is the nature of quality media. There is no hope of providing news to create a trend. Or hope to manipulate ratings without forgetting your eyes and ears. What would society be like? I don’t care at all.

The sale of coffee has been banned

The recipe for Kobe Juice coffee is to prepare black coffee and add sugar to it. Then put the hot charcoal in the cup, wait for it to cool, then extract the ash (Photo:

The topic then came to the attention of the Malaysian government, and about 10 days later the Ministry of Public Health issued a statement that all types of media were ready to be presented to consumers, and the main topic was serving coffee on charcoal. It is an offense under the provisions of the Food Act 1985, which allows the use of only permitted sugar, dextrose, glucose, honey, milk, cream and other foods and flavourings. Charcoal is not classified as food.

The Ministry of Public Health confirms that restaurant operators have found that serving coffee using charcoal or Kopi Juice may face legal action. There is a maximum fine of 10,000 Malaysian ringgit (about 74,000 baht) or a maximum prison sentence of not more than two years.

The first part of this statement is that the Malaysian Ministry of Health explained that charcoal added directly to coffee is different from charcoal added directly to coffee ‘Activated charcoal’ (Activated charcoal) is commonly used in the food industry because activated carbon must be treated and purified. Until it becomes fit for consumption along with the addition of hot charcoal directly to the coffee and it cannot be determined whether it has been processed properly or is fit for consumption or not. This is because it may contain foreign substances or other toxic ingredients.

The sale of coffee has been banned

Charcoal latte, a drink containing activated charcoal as an ingredient. Many cafes offer it as one of their healthy menus (Image:

Just as the Ministry of Public Health in the Country of Yellow Tigers said. Activated carbon is commonly used in the food industry. It is not the same type of charcoal used in cooking. In the coffee industry, it is added to latte coffee, and it is called “Charcoal latte” (Charcoal latte) where the coffee water is black and contrasts with the white latte art pattern of milk. It is one of the drink trends that are said to be healthy and that cafes in many continents around the world have been creating recipes for many years.

The author would like to note that if someone calls Kobe Juice coffee, it is called charcoal coffee. It may cause misunderstanding. ‘Confused’ It depends on exactly what type of coffee you mean. Between coffees add activated charcoal. With coffee with charcoal on fire as in Indonesia, so producers and consumers should understand this matter clearly.

In Japan, there is a style of coffee roasting called “Sumiyaki Roasting” (roasting sumyaki) or “charcoal roasting” (Charcoal roasting) is a roasting technique that uses charcoal as fuel to roast coffee beans. Sumi means charcoal, which is the same as the English word charcoal, while yaki means grilled or grilled.

The sale of coffee has been banned

UCC Ooshima with sumiyaki coffee products, using wood charcoal as fuel to roast coffee beans (Photo: UCC Ooshima Coffee Singapore)

Japanese coffee roasters are very skilled at this style of coffee roasting. There are many coffee business operators who sell it in the form of roasted, ground and instant coffee. Including major brands such as “UCC Aoshima” (UCC Aoshima)

The author raises the issue of Malaysian coffee and Kopi Jus, or coffee with unheated charcoal. Let’s tell each other that story. The intention is not to prohibit or prohibit drinking. I just want to introduce another aspect that is rarely talked about: health issues. What about taking care of your health to stay away from this disease? Although important, it is true. But they cannot be imposed on each other. Each individual’s health must be taken care of himself.

But if someone asked the writer, Do you want to taste Kobe Juice? I would like to answer immediately without hesitation: Please think about it first (for a long time)!


Written by: Charlie Wardy

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