NACC explains the drama in which ‘Teacher Chayot’ was fired at Pan Yang Bao School.

NACC explains the drama in which ‘Teacher Chayot’ was fired at Pan Yang Bao School.
Niwatsai Kasemmongol

7 December 2023 – In the case of the news report, the teacher of Ban Yang Bao School in Omkhoi District, Chiang Mai Province, Mr. Chayot Sukter. NACC found criminal and disciplinary grounds. And the Chiang Mai Primary Education Service Area Office, Area 5, has ordered Mr. Sayot Chukdo to be removed from government service, the message said. Mr. has been appointed as a member of the committee to inspect the midday meal, who has been released from government service as mentioned. Because of chayot suktor. Distribution of food from primary school students to middle school students is not according to the rules, but dereliction of duty.

NACC General Secretary Mr. as spokesperson of NACC. Niwatchai Kasemmongkol, revealed the case. An examination of the facts reveals that Ban Yang Bao School, Omkhoi District, Chiang Mai Province is a school under the jurisdiction of Chiang Mai Primary Education Service Area Office, Region 5. It has sought permission to provide teaching at the kindergarten level. There are 2 types of students at elementary level and junior high school level: day and evening students and night students. Dormitory students receive food assistance from the Chiang Mai Primary Education Service Area Office, Area 5. For primary school students, Omgoi will receive mid-day meal support from the sub-district administration. In 2018, Ban Yang Bao School has 235 elementary and kindergarten students, 244 secondary school students, and overnight students. (including primary and secondary school) 169 people

Mid-day Meal Procurement Government Procurement and Supply Management, B.E. 2017, schools are required to procure and make payments as per Ministry of Finance regulations. Ban Yang Bao School Director Mr. During the completion of Acceptance Inspection and Signature Acceptance Committee by Jaras Subhan. Orders were issued to appoint a procurement committee. and inspecting the receipt of students’ mid-day meals, Mrs. as Food Purchase Officer. Panyanuch Jaybinda, Mrs. as members of the research team. Jiraban Sathunun and Mr. Chayot Sukto were there.

It appears that in 2018, Ms. Bunyanuch Jaybinda did not seek permission to purchase as per the required government forms and documents in providing midday meals to boarding students for 15 weeks. According to the Ministry of Finance’s Regulations on Government Procurement and Supply Management, 2017, Ms Bunyanuch Jaybinda made a memorandum seeking approval to borrow for the students’ mid-day meal scheme. Mr. Sarath Subhan has approved. Without ordering procurement as per Govt

About 60,000 baht per week when Ms. Bunyanuch Jaybinda took out a loan for the midday meal program. Mrs Bunyanuch Jaybinda buys the ingredients for cooking and earns not more than 48,500 baht per week (hiring a cook without a contract and proof of attendance). in some way)

As for the remaining money, about 10,000 baht per week, for 15 weeks, 172,240 baht, Ms Banyanuch Jaybinda made additional purchases at 2 places during that week, but could not determine how much each week. Purchased? Also did not ask for a receipt from the shop When examining the loan repayment documents, Mrs Bunyanuch Jaybinda printed a wrong certificate for food payment. Divided daily, 3 bags per day, totaling 15 bags, both fresh food and dry food are sent to Ban Yang Bao School once a week. Including the cost of raw materials per unit and not exceeding 10,000 baht each by specifying payment certificate for food. The members of the research team were Mrs. Jiraban Sathunun and Mr. Chayot Suqtor signed their names to certify. And Mrs. Bunyanuch Jaybinda brought the said certificate as proof of expenditure instead of receipt.

Therefore, Mrs. Bunyanuch Jaybinda, who was appointed as the mid-day meal purchasing officer, requested permission to borrow money to provide mid-day meals, and the director of Ban Yang Bao School, Mr. BE 2017, BE Smt. Jirapanchatunun and Mr. Chayot Sukto signed false certificates. Therefore, it does not comply with the said norms. With the intention of not having to check later whether the purchase of midday meal has been completed or not at Ban Yang Bao School, and failure to make the purchase as per the regulations is an act of prejudice to Ban Yang Bao School.

NACC considered and resolved as follows: 1. Mr. Sarath Subhan is a criminal. Under Section 151 of the Criminal Code, read with Section 86 and Section 157, there is a serious disciplinary offence. Under Section 151 and Section 157 and Section 162 (1), (4) of the Penal Code there is a basis for serious disciplinary offence. 3. Mrs. Jiraban Sathunun and Mr. Chayot Shukhtar has criminal charges against him. Criminal Code, Section 157 and Section 162 (1), (4) and there is a basis for serious disciplinary offense, report and investigation report must be submitted. The electronic copy of the documentary evidence and the decision is sent to the Attorney General for criminal proceedings in the court having jurisdiction to consider and decide the case and send the report and investigation file. DOCUMENTS, EVIDENCES AND CONCLUSIONS Based on the above offenses Mr. Sarath Subhan, Mrs. Panyanuch Jaybinda, Mrs. Jiraban Sathunan and Mr. To the supervisor to take disciplinary action against Chayot Suktor. According to Section 91 (1) and (2) of the Organic Law on Prevention and Suppression of Corruption, 2018, the case may be

Mr. Niwatsai said that the activities of the accused persons can be seen from the press presentation that there are 2 issues that are inaccurate. The remaining amount is about 10,000 baht per week for a total of 15 weeks, which is 172,240 baht, which cannot be calculated in detail. And from media reports that Mr. Chayot Suktor has been dismissed from government service. As a result of Mr Chayot being appointed as a member of the committee to inspect the mid-day meal, the meals of Sukhdar Primary School students were distributed to the middle school students. It is spreading misinformation from facts.

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