Khon Kaen University pays tribute to Thip Phu Ngam, an artist of Isan heritage. Full of morals and ethics

On February 23, the Center for Arts and Culture page, the Center for Arts and Culture at Khon Kaen University, KKU, published a message stating: Khon Kaen University announces the names of the honorary artists of the Isanian heritage. Khon Kaen University, 2024

On the occasion of the auspicious occasion of the birthday of His Majesty King Kanishthathiragshaw Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn and Thai Heritage Preservation Day Khon Kaen University Join in Honoring Isan Heritage Artists The Isan Heritage Artist of Honor Award is given to the artist who serves as a role model for local art in Isan. . Full of morals and ethics, it is the starting point of inspiration. Transmitting the arts and sciences so that they become a valuable body of knowledge has a continuous work that benefits the public for future generations sincerely creating works of value for the land of Isan. Contributing to arts and culture in the land of Thailand.

The Isan Heritage Artist Award includes:

In the field of visual arts, three people were honored:

  1. Miss Jintana Bimsiri (Contemporary Painting)
  2. Mr. Phongchayut Bonata (Handicrafts)
  3. Mr. Fat Funchai (sculpture)

Literary Arts Branch: Two people were honored:

  1. Mr. Preda Panyachan (Youth Literature)
  2. Mr. Chaya Wansri (Contemporary Literature)

Theatrical Arts major honored 10 people:

  1. Mr. Boonschoen Bunkerdrome (Acting)
  2. Mr. Boonserem Bensri (Mor Lam Klon Nang Ubon)
  3. Mr. Suthep Phongam (Comedian)
  4. Mrs. Thongguan Trisun (Mor Lam Klon Melong Phuthaisong)
  5. Mr. Sorenchay Mikoichiyan (Lukthong Singer)
  6. Mr. Punchan Chochep (Mor Lam Klon Melong Futhaisong)
  7. Mr. Royangyot Pimthong (organizer)
  8. Mr. Thongchai Prasongsanti (Drama Organizer)
  9. Mr. Phongsit Khamvi (lifelong singer)
  10. Ms. Petcharaporn Kalavan (Applied Doctor Lam Klon)

There will be a 2024 Isan Heritage Artists Honor Plaque Presentation Ceremony on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at the Science Park. Khon Kaen University.

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