It has been revealed that the million-subscribed YouTuber is flaunting his wealth by purchasing a luxury mansion worth 72 million baht, an insider has come out.

The YouTuber with millions of people following claimed he had just bought a mansion for 72 million baht, and found out an insider was out. Verify the real owner

Sinchew reported that a Malaysian real estate agent has come out to reveal the secrets of a popular YouTuber with millions of subscribers who claims to have recently purchased a luxury mansion worth 9.7 million ringgit (about 73.2 million baht), in the hope that this success will inspire others.

Issa, the real estate agent who published the information, said that after confirming with his colleagues, it is known that the palace has not been sold yet. The homeowner set the price at 9.8 million ringgit (about 73.9 million baht), but no one has bought it yet. At present, this mansion is only rented.

But the YouTuber announced in a video that he had bought the mansion for 9.7 million ringgit (about 73.2 million baht) and also showed a photo of himself giving the money to a woman who appeared to be a middleman. In addition, when signing the documents, he was still showing off. Their success will become an inspiration for young people to move towards success as well.

When I searched Issa for more information I was shocked to discover that this YouTuber only came to rent a place. He is not the real owner and the monthly rent was 23,000 ringgit (about 173,000 baht) before he decided to post all the evidence on Facebook.

Issa also questioned the behavior of some celebrities online. Who do not hesitate to accept work to promote illegal gambling sites to allow yourself to live a luxurious life

“All children today want to become influencers when they grow up. Because they want to become rich without having to take competitive exams or waste time studying in high school, this influencer has millions of followers. Most of them are children, and now he has the habit of promoting,” Issa said. openly gambling sites.

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