Kasikorn Securities expects the Thai stock index to be in the 1,375 – 1,420 range next week.

Kasikorn Securities estimates the Thai stock index next week at 1,375 – 1,420 points, following statements by central bank officials and the direction of foreign capital.

Kasicorn Securities Co Evaluate that Next week (26 Feb.-1 Mar.) The Thai stock index has support levels at 1,385 and 1,375 points, while resistance levels are at 1,410 and 1,420 points respectively.

Assessed by Kasicorn Research Center Important factors to follow including statements by central bank officials. and the direction of foreign capital

area Important US economic data Durable goods orders including new home sales Personal income and spending, PCE/Core PCE price indices, January, ISM/PMI manufacturing index, February. GDP numbers for 4Q23
Including the number of people applying for weekly unemployment benefits.

when Other foreign economic information Including the February manufacturing PMI index. Japan, China, Eurozone and UK Consumer Price Index January February Consumer Price Index including Japan. of the Eurozone

On Friday, February 23, 2024, the SET Index closed at 1,398.14 points, up 0.86% from the previous week's close. Meanwhile, the average daily trade value was 47,395.17 million baht, an increase of 31.34% from the previous week. The mai index gained 0.84% ​​to close at 421.72 points.

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