ALRO is in discussions with the National Park Service. We will combine measures to address the problem of overlapping areas in protected forests.

ALRO and the National Park Service discuss together to resolve the issue of overlapping boundaries of Moo Chi Sub-District, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province and other places to prevent disputes. affect the farmers

As the Prime Minister has ordered the Agricultural Land Reform Office (Agrarian Land Reform Office) and the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Protection (DPA) to discuss the issue of overlapping land boundaries, Moo Si Sub-District, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province and other Places

Yesterday (23 February 2024), Agricultural Land Reform Office (ALRO) Subsongsuk by Secretary General of Agricultural Land Reform Office (Mr. Winaroj), Deputy Secretary General of ALRO (Mr. Surachai Yutsana), Adviser to Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives (Mr. Thanadol Suvannarit) ) and Directors of concerned Offices/Divisions jointly hosted the banquet. Lunch and discussion with the National Department of Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP), Director General of the Department of National Parks (Mr. Athapon Charonsanza), Deputy Director General (Mr. Weera Kunjayarak), Inspector General of the Department (Mr. Weerayut Vannalert) (family name) and concerned office/division director The atmosphere of the discussion was pleasant and friendly.

The results of the discussions between the two institutions agreed to propose to the Agricultural Land Reforms Committee (CDC) chaired by the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives (Captain Thammanat Brombau) to appoint a joint task force to resolve the issue of overlapping government land. The working group consists of representatives of 9 government agencies related to land. Overlapping area boundaries at each location should be set as targets for joint exploration.

The working group should meet monthly to discuss progress. Deputy Secretary General of ALRO (Mr. Surachai Yutsana) and Deputy Director General of National Parks Department (Mr. Veera Kunjayarak) as part of ALRO and National Parks Department were appointed to coordinate the details closely to complete the review expeditiously. And the farmers and people of the area will not continue to suffer due to such problems.

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