An asteroid 2024 MK the size of the Eiffel Tower has been discovered orbiting near Earth.

The European Space Agency's (ESA) Planetary Defense Office (PDO) has discovered an asteroid named 2024 MK with a diameter of 394-885 feet or about 130-280 metres, which is equivalent in size to the 1,083-foot Eiffel Tower. Or its height is about 330 meters and it approaches the Earth. It is estimated that the orbital position is 291,774 kilometers away from the Earth, or it orbits in an orbit closer to the Earth than the distance between the Earth and Mars. Which has an area of ​​384,472 km2

The European Space Agency (ESA) data is consistent with NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies. United States Astronomers discovered asteroid 2024 MK on June 16, but it was officially announced on June 19. Asteroid 2024 MK will orbit near Earth on June 29.

Although the orbit distance of asteroid 2024 MK is closer to Earth than the distance between the Moon and Earth, the chance of colliding or colliding with the world is very small, according to the site. Newsweek Information revealed, according to astronomers at NASA's Near-Earth Objects Data Center, that it turned out that the asteroid 2024 MK had…The chance of hitting Earth is only 0.00000095%, and that might have to wait until 2116, or roughly 92 years in the future.

This asteroid 2024 MK is moving at a speed of 9.37 kilometers per second, or approximately 33,731 kilometers per hour. Astronomers speculate that it was a remnant of an early solar system that never evolved into a planet. It originates from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Sometimes they come close to the ground. After it was pushed out of its orbit by Jupiter's gravity,

Astronomers estimate that asteroid 2024 MK may appear bright at magnitude 8.5 during its close orbit, and interested astronomers on Earth in the Southern Hemisphere may be able to observe it in the sky using amateur telescopes.

Currently, astronomers classify asteroids that approach Earth into a category called near-Earth objects, or NEOs, which fall within a radius of 1.3 astronomical units of the Sun, or approximately 204,477,331 kilometers. The NEO category, where there are more than 31,000 planets in the entire solar system. Most of them do not pose a danger to the world.

But according to the conditions, if a near-Earth object asteroid with a diameter of at least 460 feet is orbiting at a distance of 7,408,000 kilometers from Earth, NASA will classify the object as an asteroid that may pose a danger to Earth. .

A source of information Forbes, Sky Live, European Space Agency

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