Lily Nguyen responds to Po Manthana, saying, “If you are rude enough, I can forgive you my debt.”

“If you are rude enough I can forgive you for my debts,” Lily Nguyen responds to Po Manthana. He says he is not afraid to sue him. Willing to sue Not accepting apologies Accepts cash only

Today (July 7, 2024) at 2:00 pm, Lookmee Rasamee and other creditors, including actress Lily Nguyen, came to Decha's lawyer's office. Hiring a lawyer to sue the debtor because the other party threatened him that he would not get the money and would have to go to jail.

Following the former female model Lukmee – Rasamee Thongsiripraisri. He made a statement saying that a former actress and beauty queen had a political husband. She borrowed money and paid a bounced check of 2 million baht in the past. There was a request but it was not returned.

Later, Po Manthana Himathongkam and Mr. Hans – Phakdihan Himathongkam's husband almost hired a lawyer Longwatanawanit come to help take care of this case. There was a response that the other party is taking unfair benefit. And take the matter to the media causing harm to the family members

by Lily Nguyen Open your mind today.Bo Manthana He talked about Lily bringing the con man who caused Pu to lose 500,000 baht and I would like to clarify here that this is absolutely not true. The one who lost the money is you. In order to help the crab she would like to leave this message for Pu Manthana so that everything she said is true.


First, the person claiming to be a scammer is someone he knows.chicken block At a restaurant then we met by chance and exchanged LINE and talked, but we were not close at all. Because Bikor Kai This person saw the news that I was cheated of 50 million baht, and came to support. That was the first day we knew each other. Then he came about a month ago. Pu was informed that P'Pu was cheated of 100 million baht of land. Pu is very nervous so he invites Lily to eat together in Thonglor. But Lily herself had already made an appointment with Bikor Kai. This person called Lily and said he was heartbroken. I'm sorry I don't have any friends. So he invited him to eat. Come and meet P'Pu

Enough at the restaurant P'Pu said that P'Pu was cheated out of 100 million baht from Earth, and P'Korkai offered to help P'Pu. About Earth that day, I was able to witness P'P'Korkai saying that he would help me without spending any money.

But then Po set up a meeting at an Italian restaurant. When we met, I wasn't even close to P'Kor Kai. I don't even know what happened. Before that, P'Kaikai said he didn't lose any money at all. But when we talked again, P'Kaikai said he had to pay the adult administration fee. That's 400,000 baht here. P'Pu and I told P'Pu that we wanted to end the process. Because right now, Po doesn't have any money.

But P'Kor Kai, this person said that when talking to adults, you can't waste words. You can't lose face but we both weren't okay with P'Pu having to pay 400,000, but suddenly P'Kor Kai then transferred the money from his own account to an adult who claimed to be helping Phi Pu. When he transferred the money to the adult we asked to see the voucher and let him see the voucher for a moment then he (Lily) asked me to transfer 100,000 to Pee Kor Kai as well.

At that time, the money in his account showed me that he only had 250,000 baht left, and he didn't have the ability to help her. But P'Korkai tried to convince me to help in order to guarantee P'Pu.

But after taking action, B. Korkai couldn't help it as he said. He kept scrolling.

Then my son was hospitalized. I had to use the remaining money to pay for my son and mother's insurance. But Bee Bo came and tricked me, saying that Nong Lee wanted to borrow 70,000 baht and I would return it to you in the evening. Because I will take this money to sign the contract and get a job, and I will return it to you. But from that day until today, I have not received any money. I have all the evidence.

Previously, P'Pu borrowed a total of 800,000 baht from me, and only 200,000 baht was returned, even though he never asked for it in the past and never charged any interest. Only P'Pu's side would offer interest. When combined with the last total, the total comes down to 670,000 baht.

Then Bo came to hurt my feelings, now I am not well. Now I don't care at all about the money I owe, which is 670 thousand baht, because many years ago I was cheated out of 100 million baht, and I still don't care at all about 670,000 baht if I am rude enough, without needing to prolong it. Because I am tired of saying wait a minute, wait a minute, because I am collecting bad debts. Because otherwise you wouldn't have lost that much money. I just said it. I have forgiven my debts, and I consider it a meritorious act and I have gotten out of my life. I am telling you the truth, it is only 670 thousand baht at the moment, the money in my pocket is empty but I am in good spirits I gave it to you, so I consider it a charity. Maybe I will regain the merit. And I hope this merit will lead you to have eyes to see the checkers.

And if anything I say is not true? Do you dare to come out and tell the truth about me? If you sue me, I will sue you again, I will not accept any apology, and I will give you the money. I want to say that Li is angry. I am sorry, and this is not fair to Li. It is not acceptable for Li’s words to touch your heart, and Brother Han, if you sue me. I am suing my brother as well.

In the past, Bo would talk to me every time. Nong Li is looking for an investor. Please find an investor for me. He claims that he helped me get work here and there. But I haven't seen anything yet. He even took me to the filming location once. I'm very happy. He said he would help me and I was happy. So I lent him the money.

I gave up. I was really tired of P'Pu. So I forgave the debt. Because in the past I have been beaten up a lot. I won't say anything else to P'Pu. But I heard that P'Pu and P'Han are going to sue me. I won't ask for mercy from P'Pu and P'Han. It's a waste of mouse saliva. But I ask for mercy from the people, the village chief, the town chief No Lili is a foreigner. I love Thailand very much. I have food to eat and use, it's the land of Thailand. Understand Buddhism and the land of Thailand Eat good food and sleep in the land of Thailand. And I love Thailand very much. I think there are still Thai people with good hearts and kindness. Then I asked the village chief, the town chief, please help me. I have no one. Now I'm scared too. I don't have much intelligence. I don't know about the law. Today I used bad or rude words because of my emotions. But I really meant to say that. Because I want them to know that I can be angry, I can be angry, I can be angry too. Don't step on me. Because I want to protect myself too.

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