Like Apsara A romantic drama produced by producer Yusin Na Nakorn and directed by Songsak Mongkunthong, tells the story of Major ML Asira Jutathip, the first son of MR Tharathorn. With Amy Luang Rawai Rampai and Dojapasorn Thiphaphrom, Amy Luang Willirampa's daughter, starring Army Peak and Mint Ranchan Rawee, airs every Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8:20pm on Channel 3, starting with the first episode on June 22, 2024. Story Like Apsara Episode 11 Chavis came to meet Williramba at Doug Absorn's house.
Summary: Duj Apsorn Episode 11 Asira and Duj Apsorn's love falters, their mother forbids them, and their younger siblings are caught in the middle.
Stories in Like Apsara Episode 11 relationship Juice (Arthope Summit) with Dog Upsorn (Mint Ranshnawi) There is a fine line between them. Ronapom (Saint Supavong) Come between them, especially like Apsara who has Willyrumba (Anne Syriam) It's pressure to distance yourself from the juice.
Chawit (who are you talking about) She decides to come see Wilairumpa at Duj Apsorn's house. For some reason, Sarach (Ker Wongvajira) invites Chalisa (Sean Phattarakorn) to travel to the provinces alone in order to strengthen their relationship. On Runaphum's side, Chawit is warned to be careful of Sarach. For Chalisa's safety
Follow the drama Like Apsara Episode 11 It will be broadcast on Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 8:20 pm on Channel 3.