Modern Space Suit Turns Urine Into Drinkable Water – Dailygizmo

For all you adventure traveler out there, how cool would it be to have a kit that can turn your urine into clean, drinkable water?

This was reported in the journal Frontiers in Space Technology, where scientists from Cornell University invented a prototype spacesuit that can convert urine into drinking water. For use in future space exploration.

The suit is inspired by the science fiction novel “Dune,” and comes with a device that recycles the urine we excrete into drinking water. However, the kit weighs 8 kilograms because it contains parts such as the pump, sensors, display, and a 20.5-volt battery that can filter half a liter of urine into clean water in 5 minutes.

The design used uses clothes with maximum absorbency. It is like several layers of diapers stacked on top of each other. This can cause discomfort when inserted and a chance of urinary tract infection. But the new design will be modified to be a cup to collect urine. Moving on to the filtration system, the water is then electrolyzed and transferred to the drinking water bag in the suit.

This development is particularly important for NASA’s upcoming Artemis lunar mission, in which explorers are expected to spend an extended period of time on the moon’s surface. The ability to recycle urine into drinking water could help solve the water shortage problem during long spacewalks.


Daily Gizmo

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