Gold price today (July 16, 2024), latest market close and 350 baht, check gold price, sell-buy.

Gold price today (16 July 2024) Update Latest Gold Price As per notification Gold Traders Association At 4:14 PM there were 3 changes throughout the day Gold price After the market closed today, there was a positive adjustment of 350 baht compared to yesterday's (July 15, 2024) buying and selling prices.

Gold price today, 16 July 2024, is as follows:

Price of gold jewelry 96.5% of the country bought at 40,795.56 baht and sold at 42,150.00 baht.

Gold bullion price In the country, the buying price is 41,550.00 baht per baht, and the selling price is 41,650.00 baht.

World gold price Or Cold Spot 2,438.50 USD per ounce

Today 16 July 2024 Summary of Gold Price

Gold price announcement for the first time at 9:04 am [+250]

  • Gold bullion price: Buy at 41,450.00 baht per baht, sell at 41,550.00 baht per baht.
  • Gold Jewelery Price: Buying at 40,704.60 baht per baht, selling at 42,050.00 baht per baht.

Gold price announcement for the 2nd time at 9.28 am [+50]

  • Gold bullion price: Buying at 41,500.00 baht per baht, selling at 41,600.00 baht per baht.
  • Gold Jewelery Price: Buying at 40,750.08 baht per baht, selling at 42,100.00 baht per baht.

Gold price announcement for the 3rd time at 4:14 PM. [+50]

  • Gold bullion price: Buying at 41,550.00 baht per baht, selling at 41,650.00 baht per baht.
  • Gold Jewelery Price: Buying at 40,795.56 baht per baht, selling at 42,150.00 baht per baht.

Gold price today (July 16, 2024), latest market close and 350 baht, check gold price, sell-buy.

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