“Grandma Ning” mother Chompo Araya talking about her son-in-law “Les Wisarut”, listen wow, you are really a great grandmother.

Grandma Ning Talk about his son-in-law inviting him to make dipping sauce. They loved the taste so much that they opened a factory. Chompo Araya

It's been a long time since I heard that. Grandma Ning Beloved mother of a young star actress. Chompo Araya Talking about son-in-law Not Wisarut Rangsi Singhvipat Media publishing model in Element 3: Hot The tape was aired on Sunday, August 11. We were taken to Grandma Ning's open house, with Chompo and her three children, Safa Bayu and Nong Gil, who took us on a tour around the house. I must say that every corner was very beautifully decorated, truly in Mai Chum style.

And in some periods Element 3: Hot We were taken to see the garden and see the different vegetable plots that Grandma Ying had grown herself. I got to experience Grandma's farming methods in many dimensions.

Of course there is a visit to the park. Grandma Ning Everyone should try Grandma's cooking, which is sure to be very delicious. Especially the dipping sauce.

The team asked if it was so delicious that no one would invite them to make a product to sell, which they did. Grandma Ning He happily replied that he did, but he declined because he was lazy (laughs) and continued saying that it wasn't the person who invited him that it was Not's brother-in-law who invited him to make sauce and chicken dipping sauce and said that he had a factory ready. You don't have to do anything, just wait for the money (laughs). I declined because that wasn't the way. So I said I would like to think about it first (smiles).

then Grandma Ning I told you my favorites list in walnut melter I really like it. Jayo bitter Ask to do it all the time. He came to eat and was addicted. The day they wanted to grill meat, they would ask to be eaten.

This work Grandma Ning I did not say this myself because it was confirmed by Chompo, his daughter in the position of Sri's wife and son-in-law.

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