Suddenly an old woman had 300,000 baht in her account, she read the message and her heart broke. Motherhood cut short

The old woman was shocked when suddenly 300,000 baht was deposited into her account and her son transferred it to her. She read the message and her heart was heavy. She felt that he was no longer her child.

An old woman received a large sum of money with a letter that made her determined to return to her hometown. After taking care of children in the big city for 4 years, this article was shared by Ms. Hong from Nanning, China, and went viral on Toutiao platform.

People often say that raising children is preparation for old age, but for her the reality was harsher than expected. She only has one son. I don't think I'll have to worry so much when I get older.

Since my son was a child, she and her husband chose the best school for him. They bought him the most expensive clothes and toys. Although his grades were good in elementary and middle school, when he entered high school, he became stubborn and disinterested in his studies. In order to take the best care of my son, she even gave up the opportunity for promotion. She and her husband rented a room near the school to keep him close to it. But their son still disappoints them.

After graduating from Mathayum 5, his husband died in an accident. She is not sure if his father's death made her son more alert, but he slowly changed and began to help his mother with the housework. Fortunately, after graduating from high school, the son was accepted into a vocational college. Studying away from home is expensive. So she worked hard and saved every penny to take care of his future. In addition to the main job, she also accepted work at home in the evenings. To complete on time, there were days when she only slept 5-6 hours.

After graduation, the son worked in the city. She used all her savings to help him buy a house. At the time, she thought this was an achievement because she had done her best to take care of her child.

In the second year of work, the son got married and since then they rarely return to their hometown even during festivals. When she retired, her daughter-in-law gave birth and she packed her bags to go to the city to take care of her grandson at her son's house. She did not have enough time to relax from the housework and take care of her grandchildren. The housework piled up on top of each other, never ending.

Although housework is more tiring than work. But she is happy to have her grandchildren. Last year, her grandson entered kindergarten. She began to feel more comfortable. Her job was only to go to the market, cook and clean the house.

I decided to go back to my hometown.

Earlier this year, her son advised her to return to her hometown. Because there is not much housework and they can take care of each other. They also said they would give her money so she could return to her hometown and live out her old age comfortably. But the old woman refused because after being away from home for 4 years, the neighbors around her had become strangers. Living happily with her grandchildren made her unwilling to return home alone.

That night, she received a notification that her account had received 80,000 yuan (about 380,000 baht), and she immediately opened it. What she found was a heartbreaking message:

“We give money to mothers after they take care of their grandchildren for four years. If the mothers feel sad about returning to their hometown, my mother can use this money to go to a nursing home. There will be other elderly people there. Let’s talk too.”

The old woman felt pain after raising her son for more than 20 years, spending countless amounts of money on him. Now that she was rejected by a child who really didn’t want to be near her, this 80,000 yuan wasn’t an expression of gratitude. They probably wanted her to go home quickly instead of stubbornly staying.

After thinking a lot all night and the next morning, she rushed her son to take her to the bus station to go back home. When he got off he said this over and over again. That he often brought his wife and grandchildren to visit, in fact, since then they never came back. And the number of times they called to ask how my mother was was getting less and less.

He was cut off from his son

In April of this year the old woman was seriously ill. They never came to visit her. My son just told me to take medicine and eat well and she would be fine.

Since receiving the 80,000 yuan, she felt that her son and daughter-in-law were no longer her children. Her grandson was no longer her grandchild. Since she fell ill, she had cut off contact with them. She did not need to wait for them to come back. She solved every problem by herself. If she was too sick to take care of herself, she would go to a nursing home if necessary.

I have learned that in this life if you rely on a mountain the mountain will fall, and if you rely on others, that person will run away. In this life, you have to remember that you are the most stable refuge. You will be like an old tree that will stand no matter what life throws at you.

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