EA shares represent a hard shilling. After paying off the debts, the broker points the base price is 6.40 baht.

a movementAbsolute Energy Public Company Limited Shares or Issam This afternoon (August 23, 2024), it continued to rise sharply at 2:00 p.m. at 7.60 baht plus 1.65 baht, representing 27.73%, with a trading value of 2,857.27 million baht.

byStock priceCurrently, it is still the highest in more than a month since July 17, 2024.

Agree with the positive points after the results of the bondholders meeting EA249A The meeting this morning, August 23, 2024, agreed to extend the deadline.Bond redemption EA249A Until June 30, 2025, without considering it a default event. At the same time, executives expressed confidence that within a year from now there will be no more problems related to debt repayment.

The source of funds used to repay the bond debt and interest comes from cash flow from revenues from the renewable energy plant business. Funds received from joint ventures with new venture capitalists (strategic partners) interested in investing in the development of various projects. The company is in negotiations with local and foreign investors. And from the sale of the company's assets to interested investors, including raising funds through infrastructure funds. (Infrastructure Fund)

Company AnalysisSecurities (Securities) Globallex He points out that EA has a base price target of 6.40 baht and also sees that earnings have a chance to fall due to the snake.Solar power stationTwo of them, with a production capacity of 96 MW, have expired, and in 2025 and 2026 another 90 MW and 90 MW will be phased out, respectively.

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