Emotional Clothing, Clothes That Change Color and Temperature According to Mood – Siamphone.com

Emotional clothing is a technology that combines fashion and technology. Using sensors embedded in clothing to detect biological signals such as heart rate, body temperature, and skin conductivity, which is an indicator of the wearer’s mood, the clothing responds to these signals through changes in color, shape, or other properties. To express the wearer’s mood at that time

The Technology Behind Emotional Clothing

  • Smart fabric: A fabric that can respond to different stimuli such as temperature, light, or electrical signals.
  • Sensor: A device used to detect biological signals such as heart rate. Body temperature
  • Microcontroller: A small electronic device that controls the operation of sensors and other devices.
  • Battery: A small battery used to provide power.

Benefits of sentimental clothing

  • Deeper Communication: Emotional clothing helps us communicate our feelings without having to express them verbally.
  • Mental health care: Recognizing mood changes can help us better understand and manage our emotions.

Examples of emotional clothing

  • Jackets: When the wearer is excited. The jacket will turn red.
  • Sweater: When the wearer feels stressed, the sweater provides warmth. To make the wearer feel relaxed

sentimental clothing

Emotional clothing is still in its early stages of development. But it could change the way we dress and communicate in the future. In the future, we may see more emotional clothing.

  • Predicting our mood in advance by learning from collected data.
  • Connect to other devices such as smartphones and smart homes.
  • Adjust it to suit your environment, such as adjusting the lighting and colors to match the environment.

Emotional clothing is a fascinating technology that has the potential to change the way we live our lives. But there are still issues to consider, such as privacy, security, and production costs. Emotional clothing is a good example of how technology can be used to improve the quality of human life.

source Blue Tech Wave

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