A clearer-than-ever image of Uranus, captured by the JWST camera

[ประตูวาร์ป ?] We’re still working with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), NASA’s iconic space telescope, which will soon celebrate its second anniversary and recently revealed new images of Uranus. Details revealed clearly like never before

JWST reveals images of the icy planet Uranus resembling a ‘portal’ or ‘warp gate’ and revealing a clearly visible 11-layer ‘Zeta’ ring, captured through an infrared filter. And the camera’s light sensor makes it possible to see the details of Uranus more clearly than ever before

[เหมือนโลกน้ำแข็งที่ดูแปลกประหลาด] said a JWST team member. In addition to the image of the planet Uranus, images of 14 moons of Uranus (out of a total of 27 moons) are also visible, including Oberon, Titania, Umbriel, Juliet, Perdita, Rosalind Buck, and Belinda Desdemos.

Uranus is considered the seventh planet farthest from the sun in the solar system, and is classified as a gas planet. It is about 4 times larger than Earth and is covered in ice and is called the Ice Giant. (In Thailand it is called the “Uranus star”) so much so that it can be measured by that star. He had to deal with windy winters for 21 years

Finally, images of Uranus taken by JWST will help astronomers. You have a greater understanding of this star. Which with this level of resolution helps to solve many puzzles. Especially since the 11-layer part of the Zeta ring is a beautiful and rare image of the planet.

You can see the full picture at www.nasa.gov

source: Engadget

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From columnist at Comtoday to content editor at Techhub and Commart, I wanted to be an astronaut. Nowadays, there is a world of information technology, computers and gaming revolving around us.

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