A G7 summit was organized in Hiroshima to harden the tone against Russia and adopt a common policy against China.

A G7 summit in Hiroshima to press Russia and unite against China: “This is not an anti-China G7, if we negotiate together”

G7 leaders met in Hiroshima (western Japan) this week to toughen their tone against Russia, fifteen months after its invasion of Ukraine, and pursue a common policy against superpower China.

Starting Friday, the three-day summit of major industrialized democracies will cover everything from energy to artificial intelligence, but will focus on loopholes that allow Moscow to cushion the impact of the G7’s sanctions on its economy. According to the French president, we must prevent sanctions at all costs. “There is a cost to our economy”Be “Deceived for the benefit of others”.

not that “Anti-China Not G7”Elysee insisted and wanted “A Positive Message” Cooperation “On the condition that we negotiate together”. As a supranational organization that is a non-listed member of the G7, the EU has already angered Beijing by offering to export limited amounts of critical technologies to eight Chinese companies suspected of reshipping these products to Russia.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is on a tour of Europe, will address the summit via video conference.

“I expect the main issues, particularly in the non-aligned countries of the South, will be compliance and enforcement of sanctions and the possibility of lowering the oil price ceiling. [russe]This is what Ukraine demands.”Maria Snekovaya, a Russia expert at the Center for International and Strategic Studies (CSIS) in Washington, believes so.

An unusually long list of non-G7 invitees has been drawn up. The leaders of India, Brazil and Indonesia will participate in this. While the war in Ukraine has restored the importance of the G7, Japan and other countries in the group believe more efforts are needed to woo non-aligned countries reluctant to take sides. With the G20 deadlocked, China and Russia resist any hint of war in Ukraine.

Japan believes that economic aid from China and, to a lesser extent, Russia is increasing its influence in the South. “Anti-Western News”Another CSIS expert observes Chris Johnstone.

According to Japanese officials, the G7 in Hiroshima should also make a declaration on nuclear disarmament, a favorite of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who chose to host the summit in the city devastated by history’s first atomic bomb in 1945. Being its own electoral stronghold.

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