A young man cried loudly as his lower limbs were suddenly paralyzed. Doctor warns you about a habit you like to do while “watching football”!!!

A young man, only 29 years old, who loved watching football late at night, suddenly became paralyzed. Crying, calling an ambulance Doctor warns of habits that men like to do

Mr. Chan (pseudonym), a 29-year-old single programmer in Hangzhou, China, although he rarely exercises. But he still has the habit of watching football. Like many men, last weekend, he and his friends gathered together to watch the European Football Championship (Euro). By the time the live broadcast ended, it was already late, so he decided to go home immediately. But on the way, I suddenly felt tired and sweaty all over my body. Although the weather was not hot at all. But he still thought that he just thought that these days were too busy. He eats irregularly and often stays up watching football until late at night, so the body is tired. So I didn't care much about anything.

When he got to the garage, it was already 3 a.m. He felt the need to urinate, so he quickly turned off the engine, hoping to go to the bathroom. But I found it very difficult to move my body. Especially the symptoms “stiff legs” This made it impossible to get out of the car or leave the driver's seat. He had no choice, so he immediately used the spare water bottle in the car to urinate. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't urinate. He was so panicked that he cried when he called an ambulance.

Dr. Ye Yuanling said he was taken to the emergency room of Hangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Wulin Branch. After many tests it was found that the patient's blood potassium value was as low as 1.84 mmol/L.severe hypokalemia It causes paralysis of the lower limbs, respiratory failure, and cardiac arrhythmia. Fortunately, emergency medical treatment was received in time. Therefore, he miraculously escaped the danger to his life.”

Potassium is one of the main electrolytes of cells. It helps in the contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles. Including the contraction of the heart muscle. Potassium plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses. Acid-base balance Enzyme activity and cell membrane function Normally, the level of potassium in the blood ranges between 3.5 – 5.5 mmol / L. If this number drops below 3.5 mmol / L. It indicates low blood potassium. This is especially true if the indicator is below 2.5 mmol / L. Just like Mr. Chan, immediate emergency treatment is required to protect life.

In Mr. Chan's case The main causes of hypokalemia may have been because he stayed up late and stayed up all night watching football continuously. During that period, he also ate irregularly. He drank alcohol, had mental stress and suddenly his blood pumped a lot while cheering for football. These things make the body very tired. It speeds up the loss of potassium ions in the body, plus it has a history of hyperthyroidism. And poor nutrition and sleep. This leads to more serious complications than hypokalemia.

Dr. Yi also warned that no matter how passionate you are about the “King of Sports”, you should not stay up too late watching football. Staying up late and not sleeping is very harmful to your health. Not to mention the psychological pressure while watching football. It affects the heart and brain in a bad way as well.

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