An “unbearable pain”, a nuclear power plant at the center of the war, an occupying axis –

The plight of a monkey flu sufferer, the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant engulfed in flames, glaciers gradually recovering the bodies of the missing, a clam taking over our lakes and “Airbnb swimming”: these are five choices. week from RTSinfo.

Testimony – Suffering of monkey grip patient

Until a vaccine and treatment were approved in Switzerland, monkey flu patients suffered in silence. Many people do not dare to declare their illness for fear of stigma. RTS was able to collect the testimony of one of them.

In mid-July, Delphine, who is part of the LGBT community, feels a sore throat and fever. She thinks she’s going to have a high fever, until she gets joint pains in her ankles and wrists.

“These pains are incredibly intense, unbearable. Only lying down can calm them down. It was like crying until the limbs were vertical. This kind of pain is completely new, I don’t understand. “, testifies Friday in La Matinale.

>> Read More: “Monkey fever caused me unbearable pain and crying”

>> Meaning of La Matinale:

“The monkey box caused me unbearable pain, I cried” / La Madinale / 1 min. / Yesterday at 06:31

Interview – Zaporijjia nuclear power plant, what are the risks?

Ukraine’s Zaporizhia nuclear power plant has been the target of several explosions and international organizations have warned of a “real risk of nuclear catastrophe”. Without ruling out any military risk, Swiss expert Didier Cavillet assures that a Chernobyl- or Fukushima-type event is unlikely.

The guest of La Matinale de la RTS on Wednesday, the head of the Department of Energy and Nuclear Safety at the Paul Scherer Institute, explained that the technical design of the Zaporijjia power plant is completely different from that of Chernobyl and thus cannot be exited. Control as experienced during the 1984 disaster.

And unlike the Fukushima plant, the Zaporizhia reactors are equipped with a very thick concrete casing designed to contain all the radiation produced during an accident. Unlike the Japanese plant, they also have systems to prevent the risk of hydrogen explosion.

>> Read More: A nuclear accident like Chernobyl “impossible” in Zaporizhia

>> Meaning of La Matinale:

Risks around the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant: interview Diier Gavillet (Paul Scherrer Institute) / La Matinale / 5 min. / Wednesday at 06:24

>> Meaning for everyone:

Security of Zaporizhia Power Station Threatened by Bombings / All / 9 min. / Yesterday at 08:14

Under magnification – glaciers return missing people

Several skeletons of climbers or the remains of mountaineering accidents have been found near the glaciers in recent weeks.

According to Robert Bolognesi, an ice expert interviewed at 7:30 p.m., the findings suggest that under global warming and an increase in the number of glaciers, they will multiply in the future. The expert also warns that these restorations can be a very special experience for those who find them.

>> Read More: Robert Bolognesi: “Recovery of bodies by glaciers will increase”

>> Watch the 7:30 pm report:

Melting Aletsch Glacier (VS) reveals remains of missing plane and two human skeletons [RTS]

As the Aletsch Glacier (VS) melts, the corpse of the missing plane and two human skeletons / 7:30 pm / 2 min. / Tuesday at 7:30 p.m

>> Watch an interview with ice scientist Robert Bolognesi:

Robert Bolognesi: "Recovering bodies through glaciers is rampant" [RTS]

Robert Bolognesi: “Recovery of bodies by glaciers will increase” / News on video / 1 min. / Wednesday at 3:58 p.m

Report – The quagga mussel is invading our lakes

The lakes of French-speaking Switzerland are especially clear this summer. But these turquoise waters mask a worrying invasion of quagga mussels, which have been in the area since 2014 and whose increasing proliferation is proving difficult for authorities to control.

Usually in summer, microplankton invade the warm waters of the lakes and cloud them. Their decrease this year is due to the proliferation of these mussels.

The Black Sea mollusk was first discovered in Switzerland in 2014. Within a few years, it colonized many water bodies. Report at 7.30 pm.

>> Read More: Quacka mussel invasion responsible for clear lakes in French-speaking Switzerland this summer

>> Meaning of 7:30 PM:

The spread of quacka mussels is clarifying the water in French-speaking lakes, but it's nothing to cheer about. [RTS]

A proliferation of quacka mussels clarifies the water in the Romandy lakes, but there’s nothing inspiring about it / 7:30pm / 2 min. / Tuesday at 7:30 p.m

Trend – Renting a swimming pool for your vacation

Renting a private swimming pool for a few hours with friends or family: this is a growing rental category in Europe. With this “Airbnb of Swimming”, owners have found a way to participate in the maintenance costs of their property and tenants appreciate the peace and convenience of use.

France, Belgium, Spain or Germany have paid for swimming pool rent, but Switzerland has not yet.

Pool rental platform swimming Market leader in France. The principle is simple. As with home rentals, you choose a location, date, hours to enjoy it, and number of guests. After 5 years, Swimmy has 200,000 users for 5,000 owners. So demand is more than supply today.

>> Read More: The “Airbnb of Swimming” is in full swing in Europe

>> Meaning of La Matinale:

Swimming pool rental for individuals, growing business / La Matinale / 5 min. / Monday at 07:14

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