Analyst: Dogecoin's market cap now exceeds that of all AI coins combined

In a recent tweet, crypto analyst Miles Deutscher talked about AI and shared his predictions for how AI will continue to expand in the crypto space. He also talks about key indicators that give DOGE.All AI coins

DOGE uses all AI coins.

The analyst emphasized that he expects artificial intelligence and future AI-powered products to become one of the biggest bubbles in the history of financial markets. But so far it is still in its infancy. After he tweeted, he pointed out that Dogecoin's market cap is bigger than all AI coins combined.

While AI is expected to be a financial bubble, Deutscher himself said the field offers a “trillion-dollar opportunity.”

He also believes that AI currency is “a great proxy for major AI events and conferences,” and he expects this to continue in the future.

Deutscher also stated that he does not believe that all “AI crypto coins” actually have AI technology, but AI is not a buzzword used to create buzz around these coins. b908501c4112 23b9 Beats 897f0b92db%7Ctwcon%5Es2_& – full-i-crypto-market-sector-here-how-to

According to Miles Deutscher, AI (which he believes is the most revolutionary achievement in technology this century) is currently ranked 20th in the field. The overall AI market cap is still slightly lower than Dogecoin's market cap.

Source: U. Today

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