AOT leads CAAT to show China has brought back SLOT, flying less, confirming Chinese passenger trend in 2024 is upward: InfoQuest

AOT leads CAAT to show China has brought back SLOT, flying less, confirming Chinese passenger trend in 2024 is upward: InfoQuest
Kirati Kitmanawat

Mr Kirati Kitmanawat, General Manager Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) said that since last week several news stories about passenger volume have emerged. So I want to clarify that returning flight schedules have decreased since the beginning of 2023 when 85% of flight slots were returned, in the middle of the year they returned 50-60%, but during the months from October to November 23 they returned about 40%.

“I agree that Chinese passengers have not yet recovered properly, only 40% in 2019. There are many reasons, but the numbers from October to November 2023 are still better, as they recover from visa waiver procedures by September. November reached 66 Approx. Chinese passengers. “17,000-18,000 people/day. This trend should continue in January-February 2024 without decline. The numbers will rise to 57-59% compared to 2019.”Mr Kirati said.

AOT is confident that for fiscal year 2024 (October 2023 – September 2024), passenger numbers will rise by 19.71% to 119.78 million people from the previous year by 100 million people, divided into 70.30 million international passengers, an increase of 30.41% and domestic passengers 49.48 million, an increase of 7.2%.

In the period November 2023 – March 2024 (winter schedule), the total passenger volume is expected to reach 51.11 million passengers, an increase of 20.32%, including 29.54 million international passengers, an increase of 34.96%, and 21.57 million domestic passengers. An increase of 4.75%

Mr. Kirati said that although some Chinese airlines rescheduled their flights during that period, December 2023 – January 2024, more than 8,000 flights, but Chinese tourists are on an upward trend, and in the period from 2024, the number of Chinese tourists is expected to rise again in From November 2023 to March.67 The number of international passengers increased by 35%, and from 2023, Chinese tourists accounted for only 12.9% of international passengers. Equivalent to half of 2019

However, in the 2024 edition, there is still room where Chinese tourists may return. The percentage is expected to rise to 15-16%, and the number of tourists from other countries such as India will also increase.

Mr. Suthepong Kongpol, Director of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAAT) or CAAT, said that during the months from December 2023 to January 24, flight slots for the Thai-China route returned more than 8,645 flights, or approximately 35% of the 21,923 requested flights returned, and 13, The remaining 278 flights, divided into December 2023, returned 46%, and the remaining 5,858 flights out of 10,939 flights and January 2024 returned 32%, leaving 7,420 flights out of 10,984 flights, with China Airlines accounting for 70% and Thai Airways 30%, but not It is considered cancelled. Because no tickets have been booked yet.

The reason for returning slots is because the order has not yet returned. The Chinese economy is not growing as it should. While China has a policy that allows domestic tourism. And flying out of the country gradually

The NBTC director explained that the return of flight slots is normal. But if the market wants a lot of flights, there will be little return. In the Chinese market, Thailand has taken incentive measures that provide free visas to Chinese tourists. But it did not come as expected.

AOT stock price today fell to its lowest point at 60.50 baht, the lowest level in 2 years, and the price has continued to decline since November 21 5 days ago, representing a 12% decline.

By InfoQuest News Agency (November 27, 2023)

Tags: AOT, Keerati Kitmanawat, Thai Airports, Thai Stocks

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