Arcade Fire founding member Will Butler and brother to star Wayne Butler has announced his departure from the band. He explains in a Twitter thread today, “I left at the end of last year, after the new record was completed. There was no apparent reason why, it’s changed—and the band has—over the past 20 years or so. It’s time for new things.” “The band is still my friends and family,” he adds. He says he is working on a new solo album (follow-up to album 2020 generations), and stage music for David Adjmi and has “a few other projects that are leaking”.
Will was noticeably absent from the band Offers This week during its launch a new album we, for the first time in five years. Dan Buckner, known to be a member of the Wolf Parade, was filling things in. And there’s no word yet on whether Boeckner will remain committed to the Arcade Fire or what kind of long-term plans they have to replace it.
Below, read Will Butler’s post about leaving Arcade Fire.
“Internet geek. Friendly coffee trailblazer. Infuriatingly humble musicaholic. Twitter fan. Devoted alcohol aficionado. Avid thinker.”