Outgoing Serbian President Alexander Vuிக்i won a landslide presidential victory on Sunday, extending a decade-long grip on the Balkans.
On April 3, 2022, Alexander Vuிக்i slipped his ballot at a ballot box in Belgrade.
“There is no suspense at any time,” outgoing President Alexander Vui delivered a victory speech on Sunday, congratulating himself on winning his second five-year term as head of Serbia. Returned with about 60% of the vote. “I am pleased that the majority of the people voted to prove the democracy of the Serbian community,” he said.
Voters were called to nominate their state president, their 250 representatives, and several municipal councils, including the capital, Belgrade.
Alexander Vui announced that his Serbian Progressive Party (SNS, center-right) had won nearly 44% of the vote in the assembly elections. “We have enough votes with the Hungarian party to form a majority,” he added.
However, the dominance of the ruling coalition should be less dominant than that of the outgoing parliament. Official results are not expected to be released by the Election Commission until Monday evening.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine at the end of February changed the course of the campaign, which should focus on the environment, corruption and rights of the Balkan candidate for the EU.
Incidents according to NGOs
But Alexander Vuிக்i, playing competitive influences from the East and the West, captured the war in his favor. In a country plagued by corona virus infection, he presents himself as the only one capable of withstanding a ship in stormy weather. He campaigned under the slogan of peace. Stability. Vusik ”. “The impact of the Ukrainian crisis on elections is huge,” the president commented.
NGOs reported incidents and violence, while the SNS condemned attempts by rivals to intimidate voters at polling stations. Pavle Krobovic, leader of the center-left opposition, said he was attacked by SNS activists while trying to film a fraud in Belgrade. Alexander Vui denied that there was any malpractice.
Just a few months ago, the opposition seemed to make progress in a country of less than seven million people. In January, Alexander Vuிக்i canceled the controversial lithium mining project that had mobilized tens of thousands of protesters, rarely seen in his ten-year term.
Ukrainian ridge line
Pristina, a Serbian from the former southern province of Kosovo who is not recognized by Belgrade, boarded 40 buses to take part in the election in neighboring Serbia and refused to organize election activities on its soil.
Retired General Zdravko Ponos, Aleksandar Vucic’s main rival, has previously said he expects “radical change” in Serbia. “I believe in a brighter future, and elections are the only way to change that,” he said.
While many Serbs support the Kremlin war, the government is moving cautiously to manage the crisis in Ukraine, bypassing any sanctions against Moscow. Some opposition parties share these pro-Russian views. Others did not dare to speak out for fear that they would discredit pro-Moscow voters.
Alexander Vui went to the polls with other benefits. During his long reign, he tightened his grip on all levels of power, including the practical control of companies and almost all the media. According to analysts, he is enjoying a large electoral base with government employees and their relatives. In the months leading up to the campaign, the president also offered financial assistance, with his critics saying he was looking to “buy” votes.
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