Asset Management Company Bangkok Trading Public Company Limited Or bam Report on operating results for the fourth quarter and 2023 with net profits as follows:
Overall, the company's operations in 2023 achieved a net profit of 1,534 million baht, a decrease of 43.7 percent compared to the previous year. There were collections from the bad debt management department for non-performing loans in the amount of 8,452 million baht and the NPA mortgaged property management department in the amount of 6,698 million baht, for a total of 15,150 million baht. The collection and net profit results in 2023 were weaker compared to 2022. .
The company focuses on operations to create sustainability and provide ongoing assistance to customers. This is because the ability of individual debtors to repay debts is affected by household debt problems. Debtors are asking business groups to postpone debt repayment due to the slow and incomplete economic recovery.
For administrative work, NPAs remain relatively stable. Because the used home market is still getting attention. Although the overall real estate market in the country has not grown much, due to the stringency of lending by financial institutions, especially housing loan applications not exceeding 3 million baht, and the situation of high interest rates that put pressure on the purchasing power of real estate.
However, the company is preparing a dividend for the operating period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 in cash of 0.38 baht, with the non-receipt of dividend rights (XD) date set at April 29, 2024 and the dividend paid set at May 21, 2024.
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