Barack Obama Michelle Obama mobilizes crowds to support Kamala Harris.

President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have declared their full support for Kamala Harris in her bid to oust Republican Donald Trump.

Former US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama attacked their opponents at the Democratic Party convention on Tuesday evening, calling on Americans to support Ms. Kamala Harris in the presidential race to oust Donald Trump from the Republican Party.

Obama, America’s first black president, addressing party representatives, lawmakers and supporters on the second day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago: “We don’t need to brag.” And chaos for the next four years. We’ve seen this movie before. “We all know that the consequences are often worse,” he continued. “America is ready for a new face. America is ready for a better story. We are ready for President Kamala Harris.”

He focused his attacks on Trump, who succeeded him in 2017, and praised President Joe Biden, who was forced to withdraw from the race after Democrats feared he would lose to Trump in the November election. “History will remember Joe Biden as a president who stood up for democracy in a time of great peril. I am proud to call him my president. But I am even more proud to call him my friend.”

Mr. Obama also noted that Trump is a dangerous person who has no respect for others. He is the type of person who creates division and hatred. He aims to win without regard for opponents, evades taxes, and limits workers’ freedoms and rights. He pursues benefits regardless of environmental impact. While Ms. Harris and the Democrats are committed to creating freedom so that people can support themselves and their families, live in a good environment, and be safe from violence.

Obama was introduced by his wife, Michelle, who said, “America, hope is back,” and did not hesitate to warn that Trump would try to discredit Harris. “It’s like he’s done everything he can to make people afraid of us.”

“His narrow, limited view of the world,” she said to loud applause. “It made him feel threatened by the presence of two people who worked hard, got a good education, got success, and who also happened to be black.

Trump began his political career by attacking Obama’s citizenship with racist slurs. He has attacked Harris in the same vein, while Barack Obama, 63, plays a very important advisory role that led Biden to withdraw from the race last month and endorse Harris. Vice President, instead, continue your duties.

There will also be speeches from former Republicans who have left the party since Trump took office. Among them is Stephanie Grisham, the former Trump administration press secretary. Grisham will discuss her journey from a “true believer” in Trump to becoming the first senior White House official to resign. A follow-up to the events that took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021

She said she loves the country more than the party. This election will be the time to vote for Ms. Harris. She revealed that while working for Trump, she never got on stage because there were so many things she had to lie to Trump about. As for the Capitol riots, where Trump incited his supporters to commit violence and refused to accept his election loss, Grisham said she could not accept that. That is why she asked to resign from her position.

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