Betagro builds on the success of integrated agro-food industrial enterprises moving forward to build the foundation for food security in the ASEAN region. Delivering food with the highest safety standards, superior quality and deliciousness at a fair price with sustainable production, investing 650 million baht in Lao PDR to build the first animal feed factory. It has a production capacity of 108,000 tons per year, focusing on creating high-quality products from upstream to downstream. Expanding distribution channels for processed food meat products to modern retail stores and BETAGRO store, ready to create Betagro brand awareness among consumers Responding to the bustling tourism movement push Betagro's foreign business income in 2024 to grow by more than 22%.
Mr. Worawut Vanichkulbodi, Chief Operating Officer – International Business Group, Betagro Public Company Limited or BTG, revealed that Betagro has drawn up its International Business Group strategy for 2024, with the aim of expanding business in ASEAN countries. Strengthening our position as Thailand's leading integrated food company committed to adding value to everyone's lives. With Better Food by continuing to build a strong foundation in the food industry covering from upstream to downstream in Cambodia and Lao People's Democratic Republic, which are the countries that generate the main income for foreign business groups.
The company plans to do business in Lao PDR, which currently has a pig farm. Poultry farm Selling broiler pigs, broilers and laying hens in 135 locations and 4 Betagro stores. Recently, the company invested 650 million baht to build the first Betagro feed production plant in Lao PDR, supported by modern technology. LIMS) which helps analyze raw materials and animal feed. In order to produce high-quality and safe animal feed. With a production capacity of 108,000 tons per year to support the ever-growing demand and increase efficiency in cost management Reducing animal feed imports from Thailand At the same time, focus on building the Betagro brand. By selling pork, chicken and processed foods. Including expanding distribution channels in the form of kiosks. Modern retail stores such as Big C and supermarkets and expanding the customer base of food service providers (food service)
As for Cambodia, there is currently one animal feed factory in Phnom Penh, a total of 425 pig farms and poultry farms, and 6 Betagro stores. The company relies on the “Agro Total Solution” strategy to provide comprehensive agribusiness business by restructuring the sales team to meet the needs of animal feed offerings, medical supplies, animal nutritional supplements, and integrated agricultural equipment trading. Expanded into the medium-sized business by providing full-service chicken and pork slaughterhouses. Adjusted the product portfolio Increased the proportion of meat products and processed foods under the Betagro brand through various distribution channels, including expanding the customer base of food service providers, including restaurants and hotels, to support the positive factors of tourism recovery.
While in Myanmar, the company has previously operated as a joint venture with local partners. Myanmar is one of the interesting ASEAN markets. But we still need to monitor the situation closely. And spend time studying information continuously to conduct business with utmost care and attention in all aspects. In addition, the company is also looking for growth opportunities by expanding business to new countries in the future.
“Betagro Expanding International Business We focus on building the foundation of the food industry covering upstream to downstream. Delivering high quality and safety products in accordance with international standards to all consumers. We continue to invest in technology. To improve management, reduce costs, increase productivity and develop skills. Experienced employees to create work Creating income for local people willing to join forces with partners through business networks in each sector to create growth and create sustainable food security for the ASEAN region. “It is expected that in 2024, foreign business groups will achieve income growth of more than 22%,” Mr. Worawut said. “.
“Subtly charming student. Pop culture junkie. Creator. Amateur music specialist. Beer fanatic.”