Big Joke slams Chethamo to solve police problems. Comedy, settle the debt outside the system but there are still hangmen.

Periya Jok scolds Setha, asks the police to be fair, brags, mocks and settles illegal debts. But people are still hanging. Refusing to use southern gangs to put pressure on the Police Commission, lamenting gangs, declaring that this is the behavior of southerners who are being bullied and have to fight, quips that Thailand has a Ministry of Justice. But not fair.

The date is 29th June. General Suraset Hagban, Royal Thai Deputy Commissioner of Police under Royal Patronage as President of Southern People's Association to travel to Southern Association to participate in activities and receive encouragement from the committee and members of the Association.

According to Major General Suraseth, the day of the association meeting. It's already an event to explore Southern culture on July 6th. Pay respect to Kru Nora, Pattalung Province and we will hold an event on the day of the tenth lunar month. Therefore, brothers and sisters from the south and those from other regions who are in Bangkok are invited to join this activity. I have never seen an event quite like it, with people in uniform coming to support the people of the South. When I was relieved of duty before eating or walking down the sidewalk, passing a red light, people who saw me, didn't recognize me, stopped my car, opened their windows and cheered. So it means that people have believed in their faith from the time they worked till they worked for the country. Thank you for all the encouragement you give the police as they do their job.

Attendees were asked whether or not they would be seen as agitators or organizers. Police General Suraseth said earlier, there was a poll that 78% people believed they had returned. These are pure power. His personality does not like to organize. Today, neither the establishment nor the establishment can lie. He did not go to set up and definitely did not pay him. He is not an MP. A senator is not a politician.

Another question is whether it would be in the interest of the masses to put pressure on group action. No Police Commission? General Surase said that there is no idea of ​​putting pressure on the people. People were very supportive on social media. And I believe that if the history police file a case, people will be damned. But he was sued because people want to encourage them and they want to go back to work. He was proud of himself even though he knew that the police force had a low budget. The law has been enacted to ensure equality for people. There is nothing to set up yourself. Generally, does not attend associational meetings. So, while you have a lot of free time today, we paid more attention to the details of the Southern Association. Let's do what our ancestors did. And in their own era the entire Sangha will be renewed. Do it for your children and grandchildren.

“My own fight didn't involve the Southern Union. It's a Southern trait to never give up on one another. Who do you really love? If bullied, they'll fight. When I was bullied, I had to fight back. Because I didn't raise my hand to show respect to anybody, to ask anybody, I didn't involve the Union. But Not that the honor of the southern people will be lost. But the people of the south should fight for justice. When I was a child of the south, many people should follow in the footsteps of the elders. Today, the people of the south are strong and love each other.” As if General Suraseth said.

After the interview Police General Suraseth came to receive flowers from the Southern brothers and sisters. Also mentioned at one point I was mobbed in China, don't worry, I'm fighting for my own justice. If you don't fight for your own justice, move on. How to provide justice to the people of South Lanka and other regions? Justice is a big issue today. When justice does not come from organization, justice must come through struggle. You will see that Bong Nanoday, an underdog of our country who needs to escape, is born of justice.

“Some countries don't have a sea but they have a navy. Like Thailand where there is no justice but there is a Ministry of Justice. To be an example of justice as he has done his duty every time. It could be anything. You may be an ordinary villager. But it must be right and fair. If it is not right then you have to fight,” said the Prime Minister. But if what the Prime Minister said was just words and expressions, then the southern language is not seen doing anything these days. People still want to hang the person who was saying that we will solve the debt outside the system. What people want today is transparency. I want to say to the people of South Lanka that don't worry. I certainly promise to continue fighting for justice,” General Suraseth said.

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