Brokers stop tightening control on EA-BYD-NEX's cash balance, considering low risk. 50% cheaper than the book>>Some brokers have started to remove the restriction on using cash balance to buy EA-BYD-NEX shares, finding it less risky. The price is much lower than the book value of the shares. Do not rock up and down with unusual force. If you still only use cash during this period. Customers may miss out on the opportunity to make a profit. But some brokers still maintain tight control, particularly of EA stocks, for fear of defaulting on debt DSI has taken the EA case as a special case.

Sources in the securities industry reveal that brokers have now gradually started allowing clients to trade EA, BYD, NEX shares with cash balance accounts. A 100% deposit is required before ordering stocks during unusually sharp price falls. Because now we can see that the price has fallen very, very deeply. More than 50% of the stock's book value (book), reflecting low risk and low price volatility.

“If we still allow customers to buy cash only, we may lose profit or the opportunity to invest. EA, BYD and NEX stock prices were very low during this period.

On July 19, EA stock price was approximately 54.79% below book at 5.05 baht, BYD shares at 1.11 baht, 52.36% below book, and NEX at 0.99 baht, approximately 50.75% below book.

However, some brokers still use cash reserves for three stocks, especially EA, due to the large default uncertainty. The company has a principal loan of 19,505 million baht due by 2024, which is under negotiation and consideration to select strategic partners to join the investment. and find source of funds for repayment to the financial institution and bondholders

Police Lieutenant Colonel Yudhana Pretham, Acting Director General of the Department of Special Investigations (DSI), said this in his capacity as Acting Director General. 3 executives of Energy Absolute Energy Company (EA) have been booked for corruption in the purchase of equipment from abroad. Or corruption in the purchase of software programs in 2013 – 2015 through two subsidiaries EA Solar Nakhon Sawan Company and EA Solar Lampang Company used in the construction project of EA's solar power plant is a special feature. After receiving a letter from the office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 1. Mr. Sombot Ahunai 2. Mr. Amorn Saptavikul, Director and Management, EA and 3. Mr. Fonlert degaratanobas. , Chairman of the Executive Committee, Online Property Company.

“The EA matter was taken up as a special case. Because in the book the SEC filed a complaint, alleging the situation very clearly. And the extent of damage caused has an impact on the country's economic structure. A special case number will be assigned as per the procedures. After that, a team of investigators will be appointed to investigate the case further,” he said.

Regarding the issue of seizure and freezing of assets to prevent handling and transfer, it appears that the SEC has already coordinated with the Office of the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLO) during the investigation of this case.

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