Brokers Beware of Small Stocks Many of these fell hard. While the current market situation lacks the necessary liquidity to support Make a broker call for more collateral which makes the stock market fluctuate – Lack of confidence, while NRF recently fell to the ground for 3 consecutive days, causing the stock price to fall by more than 65 % after being badly forced to sell.
The teacher warns to be wary of small stocks and many of the latter have been forced to sell.
Asia Plus Securities revealed that there are several stocks that have fallen sharply since June 19 and have outstanding marginal ratios at the 20%-45% level, such as NRF, SBNEXT, AS, YGG, NEX and others.
While market conditions are at present, there is a lack of excess liquidity to support it. As a result, when the stock price drops strongly to the point where the security must be called a call or forced sell, it is not difficult to cause a FLOOR and a no-bid position occurs, as in yesterday's event. Overall, this leads to the volatility of the Thai stock market and a lack of confidence from foreign investors.
AIRA Securities recommends caution against selling penny stocks that contain a high percentage of securities placed as collateral (margin). After that, many penny stocks began to show signs of being forced to sell.
Journalists talked about the movement. The price of small-cap stocks continued to fall sharply, led by shares of NR Instant Produce Public Company Limited or NRF, whose floor price fell for the third day yesterday (June 20..) to 1.46 baht, a decrease of 0.62 baht, trading value 111.03 million baht.
NEX shares closed at 1.66 baht, down 0.13 baht or 7.26%, with a trading value of 474.38 million baht. YGG shares closed at 3.98 baht, down 0.10 baht or 2.45%, with a trading value of 323.59 million baht.