clearly! JKN sleeps with creditors, files for rehabilitation, and intentionally does not subpoena the Morgan boards. Stanley” meeting on November 7.

Reporters reported this from yesterday’s case (November 15, 23) JKN Global Group Public Company Limited or JKN It has been notified through the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) that the company has received a letter requesting resignation from the position of director. The company’s subcommittees of a total of 5 board members specify the reasons for their resignations, addicted to health problems, a personal mission, trends and strategies to solve problems of liquidity and uncertainty.

But it seems that recently, in the middle of the night, JKN was informed of the information regarding the resignation of two directors, namely:

1. Mr. Yutthaphong Ma has resigned from the position of Director. From the beginning, they only expressed the reasons and the direction and strategy came to solve the problems of liquidity and uncertainty as a result of not being invited to attend the Board of Directors meeting No. 2023/10 on November 7, 2023. It was decided that the company would submit a business rehabilitation application to the Central Bankruptcy Court. They are concerned about the direction and strategy to solve liquidity problems and uncertainty in doing business. The future of the company is effective from November 10, 2023 onwards.

2. Mr. Ekavisit Suthikulpanich resigning from the position of director from the beginning only giving reasons and the direction and strategy came to solve the problems of liquidity and uncertainty as a result of not being invited to attend the Board of Directors meeting No. 2023/10 on November 7, 2023. It was decided that the company would submit a business rehabilitation application to the Central Bankruptcy Court. They are concerned about the direction and strategy to solve liquidity problems and uncertainty in doing business. The future of the company is effective from November 10, 2023 onwards.

In this regard, and by examining the information through news sources close to the matter, it was revealed that Mr. Yuthavong Ma and Mr. Ekavisit Suthikulpanich being a director of JKN in the ratio of creditors of convertible bonds from Morgan Stanley. The reason for the resignation further communicated by JKN is not invited to attend Board of Directors Meeting No. 10/2023 dated 7 November 2023 at which it was decided that the Company would apply for reinstatement to the Central Bankruptcy Court. Will the Executive Council meet? Will there be legal problems in approving such a decision? And causing the business rehabilitation application before the Central Bankruptcy Court to falter and cause legal problems.

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