Plant vs. Dirrell. round 5
Factory pushes Dirrell back with a right hook. sharp output. The right hand lands for Dirrell moments later. Plant tries to play it as if it’s not bothered by it but seems to feel every part of that blow. This was followed by an outburst of Dirrell. Is the momentum swinging a bit? (10-9 dirells, 48-47 plants)
Plant vs. Dirrell. Round 4
Another busy tour for Plant, though Dirrell also picks up his work. He’s perfectly seated on his right hand landing on top of the plant late in the round. (10-9 dirells, 39-37 plants)
Plant vs. Dirrell. Round 3
Deryl yells at the reference about being reprimanded for punching in the back of the head. Deryl’s argument is that he’s acting aggressive. The plant responds seconds later by dumping a lightning-fast mixture. He forces Deryl Blunt to do his best as a WWE Superstar. Dirrell can get this fight dirty without getting dirty. Let’s see if he can find that balance. (10-9 plants, 30-27 plants)
Plant vs. Dirrell. Round 2
Blunt, who is seven years younger than Deryl, is quicker to punch and start putting groups together. (10-9 plants, 20-18 plants)
Caleb Blunt vs. Anthony Dirrell. round 1
Cultivate with a quick stroke all the way to the body. A peek at the right hand lands and attracts Deryl’s attention as well. Dirrell traps planted in the front lock and sneaks some shots in. The left hook of the plant descends. Dirrell returns the beautiful with a right hook and another for good scale. Curiosity first round. (10-9 plants)
Shared main event on deck
Caleb Plant vs Anthony Dirrell is moments away. Both former middleweight champions, these two really don’t like each other. They hurled insults until this fight, which should finally decide who the better middleweight is. Factory gained confidence in winning rounds from Canelo Alvarez despite losing the fight last November.
Sanchez cracks in the ninth round TKO
Sanchez’s momentum was already starting to build from that sixth round and in the ninth, he brought down Negron by raising his right hand. The shot caused Negron to spin and land with his shoulders resting on the second ring ropes. Negron valiantly got back to his feet, but a bad left cross moments later turned his head and the referee wisely stopped him there. Good win for Sanchez.
Solid sixth round for Sanchez
Cuban accumulates three minutes of stellar action while Negron holds powerful shots in groups.
No fireworks yet
Halfway through this 10-round fight, Negron tries to keep Sanchez away with a jab. Sanchez has better movement and dynamic punching, although he is very patient. He should let his hands go a little more here.
Weights take the ring
Frank Sanchez vs Carlos Negron is upon us.
Technical unanimous decision awarded to Emmanuel Rodriguez
The fight was stopped two seconds after the tenth round. A ringside doctor advised that the fight be sent to the scorecard due to the blow to the head and the cuts it had inflicted under Rodriguez’s eye. At that point, the judges had 100-90, 99-91, and 99-93 all in favor of Rodriguez, who dominated the fight. Strong display from Rodriguez, although the match referee was poor.
An unintended head fall, Rodriguez falls
Russell lunged forward and bumped their heads, sending Rodriguez to the plate at nine. Rodriguez certainly bore the brunt of that header.
Rodriguez Russell drops to eighth
The straight right hand drops Russell with the left again in the eighth round and Russell is badly hurt! He collapsed as a result of the shot. The reference checks it closely after the tour. He’d be hard pressed to finish this fight, judging by the way his legs looked.
Rodriguez hurt Russell in the fourth
He twisted his right hand on Russell’s knee and moments later Rodriguez sent him backwards with a sharp left.
IBF world bantamweight eliminator launches this PPV
Gary Antonio Russell meets Emmanuel Rodriguez in this pivotal rematch. They last fought in August 2021 in a 16-second bout that ended uncontested due to an accidental header.
This is pay-per-view
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Hello and welcome to our live coverage of Deontay Wilder vs. Robert Helenius. Keep it here tonight for all updates, live scores and features from pay-per-view, starting at 9 PM ET. Tonight’s action also includes Caleb Plant vs. Anthony Dirrell in the co-main event.
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