Entertainment – Saen Naga opens up about issues with Sek Loso's wife, saying it's the only issue they fight over.

Monday, August 26, 2024 at 8:32 AM

On August 26, 2024, after another hot issue in the family of rock and roll star Sik Loso or Siksan Sukvimai, whose wife Kan Wipakorn broadcast a live quarrel in the family. To the point of casting a spell to banish the phone.

Recently, Saen Naga, Sek Loso's elder brother, posted a long story about his younger brother's problem – his younger brother's wife, explaining that I want to use my space. In explaining all my parts.

1. I have not known all the women of Sik before. I know you because Sik recommended it. And I only speak the manners that should be. I am not particularly close to anyone.

2. When my grandson left home and came to see me, I never encouraged my grandson to do so. Although the grandson told me everything his mother did to him. My wife and I consulted with each other all the time. Even if my mother is not well, what will happen? The child has no right to take revenge on his mother for hurting her. Other people can hate you. Because he is someone else, but the grandson is the child. Your grandson cannot hate his mother. The mother is the beneficiary of the child. The mother is sick and must find a way to take her to receive treatment. There is no mother who does not love her child. But my mother did it because she was sick. All the time the grandson went out to be with his girlfriend. My grandson invited me and my family to eat at my friend's mother's house. I was invited to go see Uncle Hong, I always refused. Always tell your grandson that he is busy with work. Because I do not support my grandchildren in doing wrong things. So I always avoided it.

3. I never wanted a single baht of Sik's treasure. Not even in thought I already have everything I have a job, money, house, land, everything. Nowadays I share and help others I can help. Without being in trouble I just want to see Sik happy. The family has love and warmth for each other. I have always prayed like this. You can see from me. Write a birthday letter to your younger brother. I will tell you every year that #family has warmth. These words come from my heart.

4. I believe in Buddha's teachings and I believe in karma. From my family's actions, I have never wronged anyone but them. I have not even found devotion to ants and cockroaches. I have never spoken ill of anyone. Never gossip about anyone. Just seeing your smile makes me happy now.

5. My mother I adore her and I adore her above my head. My mother is a kind-hearted person. He is one of the people who cares about his children very much. He is a person who never cares about his children's affairs. Living and eating at home. I never wanted to get my children's money. Stop referring to my mother again.

6. Sik's wife and I never had any personal differences. What I argued with him was only one thing: He pointed at my mother and cursed at the Rama 3 brewery and I couldn't accept it, so I cursed him back and didn't want to see his face again. #This event has many evidences.

7. Whatever brings happiness is Sik's wish. I am always happy with Sik. It's just that sometimes the magic is too much, I get worried because Sik is depressed. The medicine has to be taken regularly so I worry about my feelings. For fear of affecting the mind and then you will pass out and think about hurting yourself. #The person who will be saddest is my mother.

8. Although I don't like that Sik's wife always calls me mom. But I never wanted him to die. Even when I heard that he was sick, I didn't want to hear that. Because I'm worried about my younger brother's feelings. I'm afraid that I'll be sad. Everything I wrote is true and comes from my heart.

Click to read the news: “Sik Luso” shouts in the middle of the stage to “Kan”, although he is a bit harsh, he loves him xx

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