Get an emergency savings loan online, at low interest, without guarantor, is that right?

Emergency savings loan 10,000-50,000 baht, low interest, no guarantor. Recently, the State Savings Bank revealed that this is not true.

As mentioned above in this regardState Savings Bank issues emergency loans through its True Friends, Fast Money page The facts were investigated by the Center for Combating Fake News by the State Savings Bank. Ministry of Finance has found that such issues It is wrong information

If you find an advertisement on the Facebook page, True Friends, Quick Money, has posted a message about not being able to earn money in time. Items cannot be stored. No regular income Bank loan fails but you have to use the money to get around. Turn to borrow real friends for urgent money. Any profession can easily borrow hundreds of thousands of dollars. Through the Government Savings Bank. The Ministry of Finance has studied the information and clarified that it is an impersonation of using the MyMo logo, which is one of the applications of the Government Savings Bank. The aforementioned Facebook page is not the bank's page and has no relation to it. With State Savings Bank Moreover, State Savings Bank has no policy of giving loans through Facebook. Line and Messenger applications in which the page incorrectly used the name and logo of State Savings Bank without permission.


Therefore, people are requested not to trust such pages impersonating the name of Government Savings Bank in this type of petition. You can follow news from the main media channels of the State Savings Bank on the website., MyMo app, social media channels, GSB Society and GSB Now only.

The summary of this story is: It is an impersonation of the use of the MyMo logo, which is an application of the State Savings Bank. The aforementioned Facebook page is not the bank's page and has no relation to it. With the State Savings Bank

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