Gossip Station by..Je Jim 16-07-24 (If EA opened trading..how would the stock be?)

Gossip Station by..Je Jim 16-07-24 (If EA opened trading..how would the stock be?)

16-07-24 Hello Thai brothers and sisters “Jay Jim” came to report at the same time. www.share2trade.com open it and read it, let's talk about our investment circle.

***Oh!!! The EA story will make your head hurt. The feed is all over the page..the stock market has posted the SP symbol not allowing trading Good..Jay's word “good” means to read the information here carefully and take the time to assimilate it. Let the facts crystallize first!!!

***Important content assigned by EA Board “Somjainuk Engtragul” The Acting CEO appoints additional company directors, including: Mr. Satchawan Jiaravanont, Mr. Vasu Glomgliang AndMr. Satphone Sripratam With effect from July 14, 2024.

***Furthermore, the Board of EA has decided to propose to the shareholders meeting to consider approving the increase in the number of directors. and to consider for appointment Mr. Subhan Mongolsudi Being the new director of the company

***An important highlight and I was very comfortable revealing the EA's loans due in the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2024 were about 5,000 million baht from solar and wind power plants (minus the additions of already matured projects) and a balance was prepared from financial institutions. Additional securities offered for sale are in the process of filing documents with the SEC for securities sales.

***Today, the SET EA is expected to allow stocks to trade as normal.. but I can't tell what will happen to the stock price direction.. but I'm sure the fundamentals haven't changed. Business can still go on. Debentures and financial institution loans I am willing to pay. Key stakeholders are ready to provide support. ..heard that talks with a major bank have been closed.

***There are also rumors that if EA stock price falls today..eventually support (buying power – big hands – deep pockets) will return. Because the stock price is now much deeper than the fundamentals. Because what happened was personal. It's not about the company.. but now some groups are trying to connect them with the same thing. BECAUSE I WANT TO COLLECT CHEAP STOCKS AND LOOK FOR BENEFITS!!!

***But I know for sure, both BYD-NEX yesterday.. are already damaged!!! But BYD has expanded its security business. Professional administrators are available. And from the end of 2023, more employees have arrived, creating future growth for the company, including the launch of new investment-related products to offer investors.

***As of March 31, 2024, the company's assets are 12,014 million baht, liabilities are 244 million baht (of which shareholders' equity is 11,770 million baht, the highest among securities business groups in Thailand is 61 million baht.

***Important highlight is: BYD, as of July 12, 2024, has a liquid capital position (net capital – NC) of 1,862 million baht and a net liquid capital ratio (net capital ratio – NCR) of 197%. Regarding stability, stability, strength and readiness to generate growth in the securities business. Under the management of the board and qualified, experienced and experts in business supervision according to the criteria of SEC Office and Stock Exchange of Thailand.

***Regarding NEX, it has been confirmed that the matter with EA will not result in any change in business policy. Core Business and Business Continuity Policy The board of directors, most of whom are still the same employees, is responsible for the company continuing to operate its business according to the goals and plans under the policies or strategies. including overseeing the recruitment of suitable and adequate staff in line with the business environment; To support the continued development of operations.

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