Government employees! “February” declares the rate of pay for the post from March 30, 2024.

(1) Entry level management positions are paid at the rate of 10,000 Baht.

(2) Senior management posts not having posts as per (3) will be paid at the rate of 14,500 Baht.

(3) Salary at the rate of 21,000 Baht for the following top management posts.

(a) Head of a Government Institution having the status of a Minister.

(b) Head of a Government Institution having the status of a Department. Holds a rank equivalent to that of a Permanent Secretary designated by the Civil Service Commission.

(c) Higher administrative posts, as determined by the Civil Service Commission, shall draw pay at the same rate as the post.

Entry-level management positions will be paid at the rate of 5,600 baht.

(5) Top management posts will get a salary of 10,000 Baht.

Government employees!

(6) Education level Expert level will get post salary at the rate of 3,500 Baht

(7) Educational Level Special Level Post Salary at the rate of 5,600 Baht

(8) Educational Level Expert level will get post salary at the rate of 9,900 Baht

(9) The post salary will be at the rate of 13,000 Baht depending on the educational level and qualification level

(10) Education Levels Qualification Level Those with experience, skills and abilities as per the criteria and conditions laid down by the Civil Service Commission will receive post pay at the rate of 15,600 Baht.

(11) General Category Positions Special Skill Level The post salary will be at the rate of 9,900 Baht

Government employees!  Government employees!

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