His Majesty's Address on the Occasion of His Majesty the King's 6th Cycle Birthday Published by the Royal Society

His Majesty the King's Speech His Majesty went out into great company. On the auspicious occasion of His Majesty the King's 6th Cycle Birthday Celebration on 28th July 2024 at Amarin Winichai Throne Hall. A grand palace

July 28, 2024 at 10.27 am His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen visited Amarin Vinichai Throne Hall. The Royal Family, Prime Minister, Speaker of the National Assembly and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court wait for the Royal Family, Prime Minister, Speaker of the National Assembly and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to offer auspicious blessings in celebration of His Majesty the King's 6th cycle birthday, 28 July 2024, on this occasion, Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Sakri Sirindhorn Princess Sirivannavari Narirathana Rajakanya in this case also by Her Majesty

In this regard, His Royal Highness Prince Kanithathirachau His Royal Highness Princess Maha Sakri Sirindhorn Maha Vajiralongkorn Worarajabhakti Sirikakarini Ratasima Gunakornbiachat Princess Maha Sakri Sirindhorn His Royal Highness Princess Maha Sakri Sirindhorn Valai Luck Empress Dowager Princess Krom Phra Si Chavangavatana Worakattiarajanari His Royal Highness His Highness awaits the feet of Her Royal Highness Princess Siribasudaborn and His Royal Highness His Royal Highness Prince Adityarakithikun.

When His Majesty the King ascended the throne hall of His Majesty Kanchanasinghe. The authorities under Phra Nopadon Maha Saudchatra hurriedly accepted and opened the vishutra. Officers paid their respects, blowing trumpets. The orchestra plays the National Anthem and the Army, Navy and Air Force play 21 rounds of cannon each in honor of His Majesty.

Then, His Royal Highness Prince Kanithathirachau His Royal Highness Princess Maha Sakri Sirindhorn Princess Maha Sakri Sirindhorn I bow to Her Majesty and offer auspicious blessings. On behalf of the Royal Family, Privy Councilors and Her Majesty's Officers, Prime Minister Chetha Tavisin gave Her Majesty a good blessing. And his majesty offered holy water to the king Phra Thao Bathum Nimit Thong, Naga, silver instead of cabinet. Military Officers, Police Officers, Civilians and all types of Citizens Mr. Speaker of the National Assembly. Wan Muhammad Noor Mata respectfully blessed His Majesty. On behalf of Member of Parliament Anocha Chewitsophon, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Madam I bow to Her Majesty and offer her auspicious blessings. respectively on behalf of the judicial officers

On this occasion, His Highness the King delivered a state speech saying His Highness is very happy to be in such a great society. Ready for everyone I would like to thank the royal family from every important national institution. Thanks to the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the National Assembly and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for the blessings and a great and beautiful celebration. Everyone on every side intended to make arrangements to honor me on this occasion

All those who love your country. He wants the nation to be happy and stable. In this matter people should have a good life and everyone who is in important position in the nation should perform every duty which is very important. With the same ultimate goal i.e., the country should have sustainable prosperity and progress creating true happiness, prosperity and stability in the life of every citizen in the country. If everyone gets this point right. Then consider fulfilling your duties. To achieve more effective results and better harmony with each other the work of the nation will move towards its goals accurately and precisely. And was completely successful as everyone on each side counted.

Ask for the power of the Trinity and protect and care for all that the sacred things that the Thai people of all groups worship may be happy and joyful. All riches together

Then His Majesty descended from the throne hall of His Majesty King Bhutanakanchanasinghe. He later ascended to the throne hall of Bison Taksin under Phra Nopadon Maha Saudchatra. With Her Majesty the Queen, Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Sakri Sirindhorn and Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Sakri Sirindhorn. Princess Srivannawari Narirathana Rajakanya, as the time was right, went to sit in the royal car. His Majesty returned.

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