How many more times does it have to happen? US soldiers sexually assault minors in Okinawa: PPTVHD36

Is this likely to affect the relationship? An American soldier has been accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a Japanese girl in Okinawa.

An American soldier has been accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a young girl in Okinawa. It is a Japanese island province that includes the largest American military base in the region. Among the more than 54,000 soldiers stationed in Japan. More than half of them live in Okinawa.

This issue is likely to raise opposition to the US military. It has been around for a long time in the local area again especially when considering that in the past there have been quite a few cases of American soldiers attacking or sexually assaulting Japanese.

Local media reported that the case involved a 25-year-old US Air Force soldier who was accused of sexually assaulting a girl under the age of 16 on December 24, and who was identified through security camera footage. After the girl's family complained about the incident

Local media also reported that on the day of the incident, the soldier approached a young girl in the park. He asked her to get into his car so they could talk. Then he drove her to his house. She committed sexual harassment

On June 25, Hayashi Yoshimasa, the Japanese government spokesman, came out to reveal that the American soldier was charged in late last March, and the Japanese authorities have arrested him since then. The first session will be held on July 12.

We will continue to demand that the US side prevent such incidents at every opportunity,” Hayashi said. US officials are fully cooperating in the investigation.

Hayashi also said so and the Japanese Foreign Ministry filed a complaint with US Ambassador Rahm Emanuel. Already stationed in Japan

Okinawa Prefectural Governor Denny Tamaki said: “This case is not only troubling. But it also violates the girls’ dignity… and brings a level of mistrust.”

Japan is home to one of the largest US military forces in the world outside the United States, with the United States using Okinawa as a military base since Japan's defeat in World War II. To date, there are approximately 30,000 US troops stationed throughout Okinawa.

These bases are considered strategic for the United States. Okinawa's proximity to Taiwan allows the United States to respond quickly to Chinese threats.

However, most Okinawans were never satisfied with their homes being turned into an American military base. In a 2023 poll alone, 70% of Okinawans said they felt establishing a US military base was important. It's also on Okinawa that it's “not fair.”

Incidents and crimes in which the victims were Japanese and the perpetrators were American soldiers, and this sparked resentment and tension between the local population and the American army. In Okinawa all the time

For example, in 1995, a 12-year-old girl was raped by three American soldiers; In 2013, two American sailors were jailed for raping a 20-year-old Okinawan girl, and in 2017, an American officer convicted of raping and murdering a 20-year-old local woman was jailed.

However, experts say this may not affect Japan-US relations. Because of Japan's military alliance with the United States. It is very powerful and Japan still needs the presence of the United States. To deal with challenges such as China's claims to territorial waters and disputed islands; Or North Korea's missile tests.

Compiled from BBC

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