Deputy Minister Saya continues to order state showers. After the victory, rains lashed many areas in Frey and Fayo provinces and neighboring provinces. PM 2.5 values decreased. Today, 1 ton of Formula 6 was flown to Chiang Muan District, Biao Province. , which resulted in continuous rains in the past.
After the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Mr. Saya Bromma, reporters said that the Royal Rainmaking Operations Unit, Phraye Province and Chiang Mai Province, have been asked to use 2 CASA-212 aircraft to carry out rainfall operations to alleviate smog and fine dust conditions (PM 10 and PM 2.5). ordered to -295 flights assisted areas of Phayao, Phrae, Nan Provinces and added water to Sirikit Dam in Uttarakhand Province on the morning and afternoon of March 18, 2024, thereby reducing rainfall, PM 2.5 values in many areas of Phayao and Phayo Provinces and nearby provinces.
According to His Majesty King Rama IX's doctrine of “Kingdom Science”, it was given to the State Rainforestry and Agriculture Aviation Department to help the people, Deputy Minister Saya said. Use of climate change techniques to reduce smog and dust problems and dams to help farmers in dry areas
Today (19 March 2024) Royal Rainmaking Operation Unit, Phraye Province plan to continue flying Royal Rainmaking Operations. To carry out mitigation of smog and fine dust situation (PM 10 and PM 2.5) in Fayo province. and Nan Province used a CASA-212 aircraft carrying 1,000 kg of Formula 6 at an altitude of 8,000 feet in Chiang Muan District, Fiao Province. After this move, Dok Kamthai district and many other areas received rain this morning. 3rd Cabinet visit to province before meeting The sky was overcast. The weather is cold. The dust value is considered to have given satisfactory results at least this time according to the theory of the Royal Rainmaking Operation. “King's Science”