James Webb has found one of the oldest ancient stars in the universe: PPTVHD36

The James Webb Space Telescope has observed the 13.37 billion-year-old galaxy GN-z11 and found one of its oldest stars.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has found evidence of first-generation stars. Which may be the oldest in the entire universe and is located in the “GN-z11” galaxy, which is one of the most distant galaxies known to man.

Galaxy GN-z11 was discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2015, and before the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, it was the most distant galaxy known.

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And if you ask how did you know? We have to take everyone to learn about something called “Red Shift” first.

Redshift, or redshift. It is the principle that physicists and astronomers use to see that what bright objects in space are moving away from Earth, such as stars?

By the light emitted by the star it is like ordinary light. That is, it can be separated into a “spectrum” or many different colours, and each color has different “wavelengths” red has the longest wavelength.

Therefore, when a luminous object or star moves away from Earth the more light we can see, the longer it takes to travel. equals light with increasing wavelength. We will see that the body becomes redder.

To sum it up and make it easy to understand: the farther away an object is, the red we will see it.

Astronomers have created a numerical value for redshift called the “z value” to indicate how far an object is from us. How long does it take for light from that object to reach Earth?

If it took light a million years to travel to Earth, the z value would be 0.0000715. Or if z is 1, it will take 7.731 billion years for the light to travel, and if z is 10, it means the object took 13.184 billion years. Years in the spotlight on the world

The galaxy GN-z11 we are talking about has a z value of 10.6!

This means it took the galaxy more than 131.84 billion years for light to reach Earth. Therefore, it is equal to and is more than 13.184 billion years old. The exact number of its age is about 13.37 billion years.

Meanwhile, the theory of the origin of the universe that is currently believed is the Big Bang theory, or Big Bang. Which is estimated to have occurred 13.8 billion years ago. This means that our universe has been around for 1.38 billion years.

When subtracting each other, it can be calculated that the galaxy GN-z11 was born in the first 430 years after the Big Bang. In other words, it is one of the oldest ancient galaxies in the universe.

When everyone understands that why do we know his age? We went to see the evidence discovered by James Webb's camera.

A team of astronomers led by Roberto Maiolino of the University of Cambridge examined GN-z11 using two of Webb's infrared cameras: the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and the Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIRSpec).

Researchers have discovered evidence of the existence of the first generation of stars in the universe, called “Population III” stars, as well as supermassive black holes that devour huge amounts of matter and grow at enormous rates.

Scientists were able to calculate the ages of stars in the galaxy GN-z11 based on the abundance of heavy elements in it. Which will be created by previous generations of stars who were born and died and spewed those heavy elements into space and eventually, they are recycled from star formation to form new stars.

In classification, young stars that formed in the last 5-6 billion years are called Group 1 stars and contain the heaviest elements. Our Sun has a population of one star, while stars that are older and contain less massive elements would have these two inhabited stars.

Cluster 3 is thought to be a star that formed early in the universe. Because there has never been another star. They therefore contain no heavy elements and were created from pure hydrogen and helium that were forged during the Big Bang. These early stars are thought to have been very bright. With a mass equivalent to at least several hundred suns combined

Maiolino's team discovered evidence in the galaxy GN-z11, where NIRSpec observed clusters of ionized helium near the edge of GN-z11.

“The fact is that we do not see anything other than helium. This indicates that this galaxy must be relatively pure… and this is what we expect to happen based on theories and simulations of these massive ancient galaxies. That there must be a group of pure gases remaining,” he said. Maiolino: “These stars could collapse and form inhabited Star 3.”

This helium gas is ionized by something that produces massive amounts of ultraviolet light. This is a population of 3 stars, and it is possible that the helium we see may be material left over from the formation of those stars.

The research team estimated that the amount of ultraviolet light needed to ionize all the gases would take a total of about 600,000 stellar masses and would be 20 trillion times brighter than our Sun.

These numbers indicate that distant galaxies like GN-z11 likely have a more massive star formation than galaxies in the modern universe.

Meanwhile, Maiolino's team also found evidence of a supermassive black hole with a mass equivalent to 2 million suns at the center of GN-z11.

“We found very dense gas that is common in the vicinity of supermassive black holes that harbor gas,” Maiolino said. “These are the first clear signs that GN-z11 contains a matter-eating black hole.”

The team also detected powerful clouds of radiation emanating from the accretion disk orbiting the black hole. The same is true for ionized chemical elements that are often found near active black holes.

The research team said it is the most distant supermassive black hole ever discovered. His hunger makes his gathered disc thick and hot. It shines brightly along with the Group III stars, they are what makes the galaxy GN-z11 shine so bright.

Compiled from Space.com website

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