Kamala Harris joins campaign partner Tim Walz to campaign in swing states

Vice President Kamala Harris and Vice President Tim Walz are competing in the US presidential election. Campaigning is accelerating in the swing states of Wisconsin and Michigan in hopes of attracting as many votes as possible to the Democrats.

After Mrs. Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, officially launched his running mate, Mr. Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota. They both immediately went to the campaign area together. He is targeting states where the results could still be reversed at any time. Because the campaign time is very limited. After the couple went to campaign in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the couple then traveled to Wisconsin. Michigan is a battleground city where heavy fighting is also taking place.

These swing states have been important to Harris and Walz since they backed Biden four years ago. Signs of division have been emerging throughout the summer, especially in Michigan. There are differences of opinion over Biden’s position on the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

In a speech at an airplane hangar outside Detroit, Harris said to thousands of supporters, “This is going to be a real fight. We love a good fight. And as Walz repeated, please everyone get out and vote for a beautiful reason that we all love this country.” He said he was honored to have the opportunity to help Vice President Harris win and become the next president of the United States.

However, it was reported that while Ms. Harris was speaking in Michigan, she was occasionally interrupted by protesters chanting about the war in Gaza. She responded by saying, “I came here because I believe in democracy. Everybody’s voice matters. Now I’m speaking. If you want Donald Trump to win, say so. Otherwise, I’ll keep talking.” His supporters cheered loudly.

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