KKP teams up with Howard Marks to showcase investing in the era of transformation.

Kiatnakin Phatra Securities held a seminar titled “An Afternoon with Howard Marks: Navigating Market Realities Through Big Change,” which explains investing in the midst of a big shift. From the perspective of investment expert Howard Marks and Dr. Sobaut Saishuya for a wealth management client group.

Securities Company Kiatnakin Phatra Public Limited organized a seminar. An Afternoon with Howard Marks: Navigating Market Realities Through Sea Change Investing forecasts amid sea change from the perspective of global investment expert Howard Marks and Dr. Sobaut Saishuya, the country’s leading economist. This seminar is organized for client groups. Wealth management Exclusively elevating investment and wealth management to world-class opportunities at the Waldorf Astoria Bangkok on Sunday, November 5, 2023.

Howard Marks, co-founder and co-president of Oaktree Capital Management, a global leader in alternative investing, said:

KKP teams up with Howard Marks to showcase investing in the era of transformation. At present, the capital market may be suffering “The great transition” (The Big Change) The Third Time: The first big change occurred in the 1970s and 1980s when investors embraced the idea that they could invest in any level of asset quality with a worthwhile return compared to the risk.

The second shift occurred in the 1980s and 1990s after inflation rose. The Federal Reserve was forced to raise interest rates to 20 percent to control inflation. Before being cut, creating an era of persistently low interest rates and causing the stock market to rise at breakneck speed for more than 40 years.

in this time Inflation levelHigher and higher interest rates may represent the third major shift where investors need to adjust their thinking differently. The ratio between variable returns and risks for all asset classes in developing investment strategiesInvesting in debt Interesting and suggests that an investment strategy that has worked over the past 15 years may not be the right strategy for investing in the future.

KKP teams up with Howard Marks to showcase investing in the era of transformation.

side Dr. Suvawot Sayshoya Kyatnakin Phatra Financial Business Group Advisor said that every major global transformation has an impact, and each of them has an impact on Thailand that is no different from other countries.

However, in addition to global transformation issues, Thailand still faces its own unique challenges. shine fromEconomic growth rateDecreased and increased dependence on external demand and decreased competitiveness

Therefore, dealing with external factors such as global geopolitical issues, restoring the export market, restoring tourist numbers as well as managementRatio of public debt to GDP Structural reforms in education, energy, environment, agriculture, politics, or demographics are therefore things that Thailand needs to take into account in order to prepare for the great transformation now underway.

Linguistic proofreading…Suri Silawang

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