Korea is angry, reawakening the famous case of the “Mirayang gang” of 44 minors who gather to abuse children. At present they are all fine!!

Korea is on fire!!! The YouTuber wakes up in the famous case of “the gang of attackers is still there” 44 students gathered and assaulted girls. Open your current life, arrange the people in 20 years, and it's not too late to come back.

Do you still remember… In 2004, a case of sexual harassment occurred in South Korea. This case happened in Miryang. Gyeongsangnamdo Province Forty-four high school students raped and assaulted a 14-year-old middle school student over the course of one year, and these students from various high schools in the area formed an “alliance” and “referral” gang for the victims – raping them multiple times . She also recorded photos of the victims, threatening to publish the photos if she tried to go to the police

But after the police investigation and trial. In the end, none of the 44 students were charged with a crime. Because the villain is “A minor who has never committed a crime before” Most convicted criminals were volunteers. Or send him to a juvenile detention center, which means that all criminals stay away from the case “Clean criminal record”

The court's decision at that time also stated that “The level of rape is not violent.” And “Some young people may act recklessly due to sexual curiosity or peer pressure.”

However, on June 1, 2024, South Korea caught fire again. When a YouTube channel discovered a sexual harassment case 20 years ago, it was exposed so that society would not forget the cruelty of that time. The identities of the 44 villains from “Is there a case of sexual harassment?”

On the first day I.D “Mr. A” It was revealed along with his social media accounts. He also stated that he was working in a famous restaurant owned by one of his relatives. One of the photos from Instagram quickly spread across the Internet. It was to take a photo with famous chef Baek Jung Won, which upset many netizens.

On the second day, I.D “Mr. B” It was revealed, which once again sparked anger among the public. When it was discovered that he was working at Volvo Korea, Mr. A and Mr. B were arrested. They are married and have children. Live your life like you've done nothing wrong at all.

On the third day, I.D “Mr. C” A close friend of Mr. B. were detected respectively. In which he found himself working and also married a daughter from a famous company.

Consequences After the identities of the three people were revealed, their workplaces quickly issued statements online. To confirm that Mr. A, Mr. B and Mr. C have been dismissed from their jobs, whileAt a relative's restaurant where Mr. A. works. It is still not open for service since the hot issue arose.

Although the YouTuber who owns the channel has come out to reveal this, they will say that they intend to reveal the identities of all 44 attackers from “Is there still a case?” However, one by one, this story became a major national headline. A representative from the Korea Sexual Violence Relief Center (KSVRC) spoke about this topic. Claiming that YouTube no “I did not ask permission from the victim’s family.” Before publishing this information

Currently, Korean netizens' opinions are divided in two ways. Some people want to know the identities of the 44 perpetrators in the Mir Yang case. Make it publicly available online. Because they think the criminal “Deserves compensation” For what they did and people should not live in society as if they did nothing wrong. However, some people have raised ethical concerns. This will harm the victim and her family once again, seeing themselves as victims. “There is a right to be forgotten.” YouTubers must obtain appropriate consent from the victims' families. Before causing more conflict

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