LFI and PCF formalize their contract
On Tuesday, the Communist Party joined the Insoumis and Greens in the “New Popular Union”. PS, he was too late.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon aims to enter Matignon.
Keystone / AB / Louis Jolie
The Communist Party on Tuesday concluded a deal with the LFI for the legislative elections, joining ecologists in the “new popular union”. But the “blocking points” will be with PS, according to Insoumis, which issued a final warning at the end of the day.
The PCF’s National Council confirmed the agreement, which was finalized in the afternoon by 120 votes to 25, against 13 abstentions. “On May 3, 1936, the Popular Front won the legislative elections. On May 3, 2022, we are united in a new popular environmental and social union, ”said Fabian Russell, the party’s national secretary.
SMIC 1400 euros (1442 francs) Net, pay rise, retirement at 60, price freeze, ecological planning: Both organizations agree on several project points.
Nuclear power is not mentioned
But they did not mention the Communists’ withdrawal from opposition nuclear power. However, this is stated in the agreement signed between LFI and EELV, according to Sandra Recol, No. 2 of Ecologists.
According to André Chassaigne, chairman of the Communist delegation, the PCF, after a difficult round of talks, won 50 of the 11 constituencies it exited and won, including five in “victory”: Vierzon, Dax, Denain, Creil and Lens-Airplane.
With PS, this is more complicated. “Our exchange is smooth,” but there are sticking points in both qualifications, but mainly in the constituencies, “LFI negotiator Manuel Bombard announced at the talks in front of his party headquarters. He warned: “Negotiations will not continue tomorrow. This is the deadline we have set. This is not the time to put pressure on us. We definitely need the ability to return to campaigning under good circumstances.”
“A little too much greed”
PS candidate Anne Hidalgo received 1.74% of the vote in the presidential election, “they are even a little greedy”, apologizing to deputy LFI Eric Coquerell and confirming that the deal “must be completed today”.
A Macronie heavyweight from the left believes that “PS is in the process of imposing a list of constituencies between 50 and 80.” The LFI is asking them to agree to support LFI or PCF candidates against the outgoing PS, for example in the 4th district of Sardev.
Erasing the possibility of contradictions in Europe and secularism, he was delighted to show that “the left is not so uncompromising.” NPA negotiator Antoine Larrache, for his part, lamented the existence of the PS, which, in his opinion, represents the “liberal policies” of recent decades.
“Lost Compass”
PS-LFI goodwill is not to the liking of minorities and historians of the PS, such as Franois Hollande. Former Socialist Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, meanwhile, has announced that he will leave the PS in the event of a legislative agreement with La France insoumise, believing that its leaders have “lost their compass” of “republican socialism”.
On Monday evening, a thousand members of the current “Socialists Stand Up” led by Hélène Geoffroy demanded the press release of the members’ advice before any agreement with the LFI. “Today our party has an existential question,” they wrote. Pierre Jouvet responded Tuesday, “Of course we will submit the contract for discussion”, for example during a national office event that may take place in the evening.
Macroni worries
On Macroni’s side, the deal is viewed with a negative perspective: the modem’s president, Franுவாois Beiro, an ally of the state president, complained that “those who carried out responsibilities in this great social-democratic current of the country.” Who sees today as “their party signing to destroy everything they wanted to do”.
The end of the deal with EELV, on Sunday evening, plunged the left into a certain joy that they would be rivals and divided. In the presidential election, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s 22%, below the 5%, associated with the weakness of all other forces, forced a compromise. The EELV, for its part, sought to negotiate its constituencies by weighing its scores in the European and municipal elections. They won in 100 constituencies and won in 30 constituencies.
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